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Have you ever look at the
送交者: nono 2013月02月12日02:39:34 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 可重复性可测量性重要,但是最重要的是有用性。有用的科学才有价 鬼谷子之师 于 2013-02-12 01:59:08

cancer drugs? For example, many of the cancer drugs have their guideline based on the weight of the patient. 

In the US, when FDA approves a drug. One of the very first question is what is the treatment population and at what dose. FDA will not just consider weight, it will also consider age, sex and race as well as many other factors such as certain set of bio-markers.

Don't stay at the understanding that the western medicine treats all the patient using just one dose. It is silly. Different drugs have different toxicities. For some drugs that are relatively safe, the manufacturers provide only a few dose levels so the doctors/patients will have a relatively easy time to follow the treatment directions, hence and better compliance with dose requirements, and hence getting a better outcome. For those drugs with higher toxicities, drug label/treatment guideline is not what you think at all.

Just like Chinese medicine, western medicine does NOT guarantee the outcome. rather than that, it use a process as I said before to establish a BETTER outcome with competitors in each steps. It is precisely this competing process that advance the western medicine.

You are preceding very negative comments as an ill-will attack regardless whether the comments is based on facts or not. This is never the right attitude in real science. I think I said enough.

    Sorry, I said that - nono 02/12/13 (400)
        干吗争这个? to compare. - nono 02/12/13 (398)
          市场经济时代,不应该出现你说的大多数中国人不了解西医这种可能 - 鬼谷子之师 02/12/13 (434)
            See for yourself - nono 02/12/13 (403)
              你不了解中医如何诊断治病,主观想象而已,订阅一本中医药杂志, - 鬼谷子之师 02/12/13 (394)
                Haha, I would never expect to - nono 02/12/13 (381)
                说了半天,哪有一点中医理论?学什么古文?中医,中药都是有效, - x-file 02/12/13 (393)
                  Right on! - nono 02/12/13 (396)
              兄台引用文章当可说明所谓“大多数人不了解西医”为谬论。 - 鬼谷子之师 02/12/13 (384)
                No, those cited in the article - nono 02/12/13 (370)
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