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See for yourself
送交者: nono 2013月02月12日06:30:41 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 市场经济时代,不应该出现你说的大多数中国人不了解西医这种可能 鬼谷子之师 于 2013-02-12 05:26:25


What you said may be true. In some particular area, western medicine may be less effective, or even helpless, which we both agree. The debate is the ENTIRE medical practices and HOW to advance each.  My point is that the Chinese medicine lack a systematic way of gathering/analyzing/documenting/disseminating the evidence of its targeted population, its efficacy/toxicities. Since there is NO comparing statistics, doctors will always have to blindly feel through the whole process. Since we are talking about the entire fields, it is only appropriate to look at the overall picture. If there is no comparing statistics, how can you make the conclusion that one is better than the other?  I am not a bit convinced until I see the statistics. That is where my original comment started from.

The above article give everybody a very clear signal where things are heading, which also shows it is not me that have a 错觉.

As for the general public, you are wrong to assume they know all the facts and have all the present information since this is internet age. 

    Haha, I would never expect to - nono 02/12/13 (381)
      Right on! - nono 02/12/13 (396)
    No, those cited in the article - nono 02/12/13 (370)
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