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送交者:  2015年08月01日08:48:25 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Trade Minister Andrew Robb confirms Australia will not sign Trans-Pacific Partnership deal

World Economy

No Deal ... Australia has walked away from the TPP after the current round of talks.

No Deal ... Australia has walked away from the TPP after the current round of talks. Source: News Limited

AUSTRALIA will not sign up to the trans-Pacific partnership trade deal in the current round of talks.

A spokesman for Trade Minister Andrew Robb confirmed that a conclusion will not be reached on the $200 billion deal during the latest round of negotiations.

“Australia had made some excellent progress but unfortunately some difficult issues were not resolved,” he said in a statement to AAP on Saturday.

Trade Minister Andrew Robb ... TPP talks have produced progress but no agreement. Picture

Trade Minister Andrew Robb ... TPP talks have produced progress but no agreement. Picture: AP Photo/Rob Griffith Source: AP

Mr Robb said Australia had made progress on sugar and dairy, but discussions were yet to be finalised.

He rejected suggestions he’d negotiated trade-offs on intellectual property in return for market access.

“You are looking for a balance,” the minister told reporters in Lahaina, Hawaii

    打错个字,应是“蛾眉不让人”  /无内容 - 驭风 08/01/15 (483)
      小月能够做到与时俱进,够鬼的了  /无内容 - ddl 08/01/15 (539)
          还有最重要的整体规划能力,抄文件描红,得其形而不得其神,不管 - 落后份子 08/01/15 (533)
        对抗中国是美国不可告人的目的?扯大了。第一,这是美国 - 古宇庙 08/02/15 (579)
      老古,越南和日本签了吗?  /无内容 - Xiaoya_lin 08/01/15 (512)
        没有  /无内容 - 古宇庙 08/01/15 (493)
          谢谢 - Xiaoya_lin 08/01/15 (527)
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