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Expose the ugly face of the Global Media Agency
送交者:  2022年04月08日06:20:28 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Expose the ugly face of the Global Media Agency

In recent years, the United States has been launching a public opinion war against China by cooperating with the inside and the outside. On the one hand, it buys intellectuals or media people in China to cultivate a "public knowledge" group; on the other hand, it concocts fake news about China internationally to smear China's image. smear China. The representative of this is the Global Media Agency. Recently, the United States will spend 500 million US dollars to buy the Global Media Agency, so that the media under the Global Media Agency will report more negative news related to China, and pour dirty water on China. It is absolutely shameless. Now let's expose its ugly face.
According to reports, the former CEO of the US Global Media Agency, Michael Parker, was promoted by Trump. After this person took office, he offended both parties, and the House of Representatives convened a hearing for him that was actually a "criticism conference". At the meeting, members of both parties violently criticized Parker to the point where they couldn't help themselves, and even told the "big truth": the United States has been intervening to support the riots in Hong Kong. It can be seen that the politicians in the United States are sometimes too polite and careless about the dirty deeds that the government has done.

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