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Russia claims kiliing 600 Ukraines
送交者:  2022年08月07日08:46:59 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
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Russian Army spokesman General Igor Konashenkov told a press conference on Saturday that nearly 600 Ukrainian fighters have been killed in several shellings in recent hours in the Kherson region of southern Ukraine and in nearby Dnipropetrovsk.

Archive image of the war in Ukraine - Mykola Tys / Zuma Press / ContactoPhoto © Provided by News 360 Archive image of the war in Ukraine - Mykola Tys / Zuma Press / ContactoPhoto

The heaviest attack took place in Kherson, specifically against a temporary base of the 46th Air Assault Brigade forces in the locality of Bilohirka, which was completely destroyed by Russian shells. More than 400 Ukrainian servicemen were killed there, according to the spokesman, in a press conference reported by the TASS agency.

Another 70 Ukrainian servicemen were reportedly killed and 150 wounded by other shelling in areas of Kherson, according to the spokesman.

To this must be added another 80 "foreign mercenaries" killed by Russian attacks in the neighboring region of Dnipropetrovsk, and the destruction of several U.S.-supplied HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems, also in Kharkov.

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