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送交者:  2016年06月27日20:49:27 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
Taiwan 'to test-fire missiles in US' as China tensions rise 10 / 28
FILE - Taiwan soldiers on duty at Wanli army base in northern Taiwan October 22, 2004, where the military has deployed eight Patriot Advanced Capability-2 anti-missile launchers.© REUTERS/Richard Chung FILE - Taiwan soldiers on duty at Wanli army base in northern Taiwan October 22, 2004, where the military has deployed eight Patriot Advanced Capability-2 anti-missile launchers.

Taiwan plans to test-fire its newest anti-missile system for the first time in the United States next month as relations with rival China deteriorate, a defence source and media reports said Monday.

Relations between China and Taiwan have cooled rapidly under the island's new Beijing-sceptic president Tsai Ing-wen, who took office in May, ending an eight-year rapprochement.

The test of the US-made Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) system will be launched at the White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, in early July, a defence ministry source told AFP, in a move likely to irk Beijing even though it was arranged before Tsai took the helm.

According to the source, the test will be conducted in the US to avoid China collecting information about it, and due to space restrictions in Taiwan.

  卫士们搞定  /无内容 - eachus 06/27/16 (492)
      犹太国的铁穹会便宜点儿,但估计不卖菜婆  /无内容 - 夜猫 06/28/16 (407)
        没用。铁穹只能拦射程70公里以内火箭弹,拦不了卫士。  /无内容 - 驭风 06/28/16 (410)
      不见棺材不落泪,不到黄河不死心。 - 林广 06/28/16 (702)
          国内外和蔡老女及民盡匪黨有同样想法的华人,不比台湾少  /无内容 - 516 06/28/16 (474)
            你的判断源于何数据?你重点介绍一下中国境內的数据。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 06/28/16 (443)
          蔡老女及民盡匪黨們賭得就是一個大陸你不敢打!  /无内容 - 诛文丑 06/28/16 (510)
            不是赌,台湾领导人知道在一定时间內不踩红线,就没战爭。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 06/28/16 (554)
              要温水煮青蛙,慢慢地窒息它的生存空间。 - usezguy 06/28/16 (718)
                以后可适时出台新政策,在大陆工作或定居满5年的台湾 - 花心 06/28/16 (617)
                  放松点。不要逼人入籍。来者皆是客。 但是,主客有别,内外有别 - usezguy 06/28/16 (660)
                    不入籍就想享有一切国民待遇?哪有这么不要脸的?  /无内容 - 花心 06/28/16 (478)
                      国民待遇就是取消台胞超国民待遇和特权。前提是领取居民证。 - usezguy 06/28/16 (569)
                        这个本来就是应该的。港澳台居民在大陆不应拥有任何超国民待遇。  /无内容 - 花心 06/28/16 (495)
            光赌这个还不够,她们还得赌民众的智商不会提高、继续陪她们玩。  /无内容 - fun2 06/28/16 (475)
              百姓明白,换人做,生活水平下降,但选举权在手,智商并不差。 - 黑木崖 06/28/16 (705)
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