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送交者:  2013年01月06日16:31:24 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话



Saturday, January 5, 2013 3:41pm PST

Bluefin tuna sells for record $1.76 million in Japan; sushi anyone?

By: David Strege

Japan was abuzz after a prized bluefin tuna weighing 489 pounds was sold for a record $1.76 million at the first auction of the year at Tokyo's Tsukiji fish market on Saturday. Kiyoshi Kimura, who is president of Kiyomura Co. and the Sushi-Zanmai sushi restaurant chain, bought the massive fish at $3,600 per pound.

Let's repeat that, shall we? That's $1.76 million--or roughly the price of a mansion in most states--for a fish. That's one expensive hunk of sushi. Watch as Kimura escorts the fish to his restaurant amid a horde of media before cutting it up and serving the sushi-starved patrons:Remarkably, the price paid by Kimura was well more than twice the amount he paid last year for a larger bluefin tuna. The 593-pound tuna Kimura purchased a year ago cost him $736,000, or roughly four times the U.S. median price for existing homes. What's next, a $2 million tuna?

The Associated Press reported that Kimura said "the price was a bit high," but that he wanted to "encourage Japan," according to the Kyodo News agency.

It was unknown how much Kimura was selling a slice of sushi for, but last year he reportedly offered it at the incredibly reduced price of $5.45. Cost on a half-ounce slice of this bluefin tuna would be roughly $112.50, but that would be the break-even point. Perhaps Kimura figures the publicity is priceless.

The fish, caught off northeastern Japan, is valued for its tender pink and red meat for sushi and sashimi. Some 80 percent of the bluefin tuna caught worldwide is consumed by the Japanese.

How many more celebrations like these will take place is uncertain, considering the dramatic decline in the worldwide bluefin tuna stocks. The Associated Press has more on that topic:

Stocks of all three bluefin species--the Pacific, Southern, and Atlantic--have fallen over the past 15 years amid overfishing.

On Monday, an intergovernmental group is to release data on Pacific Bluefin stocks that environmentalists believe will likely show an alarming decline.

''Everything we're hearing is that there's no good news for the Pacific Bluefin,'' said Amanda Nickson, the director of the Washington-based Pew Environmental Group's global tuna conservation campaign. ''We're seeing a very high value fish continue to be overfished.''

Smaller quotas and tighter restrictions might curb future enthusiasm for big bluefin tuna such as the one Kimura celebrated. But for a few days, anyway, the Japanese will have their fill of $1.76 million worth of sushi. Again, that's 1.76 million dollars, or if you prefer, 154 million yen.


    香港的日本餐投过前几年的最大tuna鱼 - 龙牙 01/06/13 (609)
      前年,香港拍到的是这条的1/3价格,老板通知熟客赶快来。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/06/13 (574)
        看来大家都熟悉这家,呵呵,我的最爱 - 玩弹弓的小嘎子 01/07/13 (507)
        这鱼汞含量太高,多食对人体有害。  /无内容 - dds 01/07/13 (450)
          蓝金枪的颜色与普通的吞拿鱼不同,不是那种红。很贵的,那能多吃  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/07/13 (535)
            那是,多数人也没条件多食。  /无内容 - dds 01/07/13 (478)
              深圳和上海都有饭店号称有,去看过深圳的一家,假的。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/07/13 (477)
  吃来吃去,还是猪肉香  /无内容 - redredred 01/06/13 (407)
    这老板切碎了卖寿司,不会赔钱。  /无内容 - 死丢脾气儿 01/06/13 (463)
      蓝金没人拿来做寿司,卖生鱼片,每片4百余美金才能赚钱。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/06/13 (518)
        celebrity - x 01/06/13 (481)
        寿司 - x 01/06/13 (495)
        凭什么这么贵,大的就好吃?肉不是更老一点吗?重金属积聚更多。  /无内容 - 赤松子5 01/06/13 (489)
          口感特别,数量极少,成长很慢。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/06/13 (489)
            版主应该去美食杂志写评论,倒是免费吃遍天下美食,岂不美哉!  /无内容 - 赤松子5 01/06/13 (506)
              松坂牛,蓝金枪,鲜河豚,去日本旅游,这三样可以吃。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/06/13 (485)
                神户牛吃过,印象中也就那样,河豚没敢吃,蓝金枪没福气碰上。  /无内容 - kman 01/06/13 (494)
                  您老常吃川菜坏了味蕾?呵呵,神户牛肉细嫩鲜美 - 玩弹弓的小嘎子 01/07/13 (511)
                    美国有亚洲人的饭店,将神户牛做铁板烧,浪费哦,汁全流走。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/07/13 (555)
                  松坂牛不是神户牛,松坂牛不出口,神户牛香港和美国均能吃到。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/06/13 (485)
                    我知道。松坂牛没吃过。感觉很多所谓名贵美食都是捧出来的,吃后 - kman 01/07/13 (558)
                      松阪牛的肥瘦相间超过神户牛,口感不同。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/07/13 (484)
  还是有钱。 也是吃货  /无内容 - 老弄堂 01/06/13 (402)
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