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送交者:  2020年04月10日03:07:28 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

China’s Y-20 aircraft capable of transporting two Type 15 lightweight tanks, claims state media

09 April 2020


Computer-generated imagery from a 7 April CCTV 7 report showing two Type 15 tanks in the cargo bay of a Y-20 transport aircraft. Source: CCTV 7

Chinese state-owned media has claimed that the Xian Aircraft Corporation (XAC) Y-20A Kunpeng strategic transport aircraft is capable of transporting up to two Type 15 (also commonly referred to as ZTQ-15) lightweight battle tanks.

In a 7 April report about military science and technology China Central Television 7 (CCTV 7) also released computer-generated imagery showing two Type 15s in the cargo bay of the aircraft, which has an estimated maximum payload of 66 tonnes and a maximum take-off weight of 220 tonnes, according to Jane's All the World's Aircraft.

Chinese official sources put the range of the aircraft, which the state-owned Global Times newspaper claims is also capable of transporting one 52,000-54,000-tonne Type 99A-series main battle tank, at 4,000 km at maximum payload.

The Type 15 lightweight tank, which officially entered service with the People's Liberation Army Ground Force (PLAGF) in 2018, is believed to weigh 33 tonnes in its basic configuration. This may increase to 36 tonnes if an improved explosive reactive armour package is added.

The Global Times quoted Fu Qianshao, a Chinese air defence expert, as saying that "multiple Y-20s can transport a mixture of Type 15s, Type 99As and other kinds of armoured vehicles, leading to a significant improvement in China's long-range rapid deployment" and strategic transport capability. The four-turbofan Y-20 officially entered service with the PLA Air Force in 2016.

The Type 15, which is armed with a 105 mm gun, is protected against hand-held anti-tank weapons. The gun is thought to be capable of firing an armour-piercing, fin-stabilised, discarding sabot (APFSDS) round that is probably capable of penetrating 500 mm of armour from typical combat ranges.

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