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美国彭博社 The People's Republic of The Future zt
送交者:  2019年10月20日12:57:09 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

The People's Republic of The Future

alexandru benza

4 months ago

"we want engineers to be recognized as Superstars."

Aaaaaaand that's why China will be the next world leader.



2 months ago

Trump:" China is dangerous. They stole 5G technology from USA."

US Journalist:" Then where is our 5G technology?"

Trump:" Don't you understand me? China stole that technology from us, that's why we don't have it any more."


Shepherd Moons

1 month ago

Freedom freedom freedom, freedom everyday, do you have something new to show these Chinese? They don't even give a f**k to you, they have the motivation to fight, the spirit of optimism, they have not put you brainwashing guys in the eye at all, at least they are much more happy than those in the US who have democracy but always worry about being shot, I have been in China for many years, most of them think that today's Westerners are low-level animals, you don't have to impose our Western values on them, they are very happy and proud to be Chinese. Listen to me, you should be more considering yourself and the future of our Western world, by the way I am a Dutchman.


Real Barack Obama

4 months ago

Damn, after looking this, I feel like I was the President of a third world country.


Z Melody

4 months ago

Its so ironic when you says a Chinese government peer their people while My comment were blocked by YouTube.



I'M BTS-ing

4 months ago

Last month, I went to a Starbucks store in Shenzhen. I ordered a drink and was about to pay, then the cashier said they don’t take paper currency anymore, he say i can only pay via WeChat pay. But damn I don’t have that app, so I ended up leaving the store without a drink.

Not gonna lie, this city is so ahead. Not just technologically. Other stores were also filled with innovative thought. I was so impressed and will go visit there again in the future.


2018 Jess

2 months ago

Shenzhen is facing the second opportunity after the protest activities in Hong Kong , Shenzhen will develop its high-tech , logistics, finance law and regulation on a high speed train , Shenzhen will be a leading city in the world .


Imran Sahir

4 months ago

1. Chinese don't view privacy as rest of us. They're fine with govt monitoring them as long as they aren't doing something wrong.

2. America also has had its "exceptionalism", China also has it with lots of things.

3. Let's admit we don't understand China enough yet, so we're scared to death by their meteoric rise.

  网民回应有意思  /无内容 - eastwest 10/20/19 (247)
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