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送交者:  2017年01月16日07:41:54 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
Military alliances not discussed by Rody, Abe
Edith Regalado (The Philippine Star) - January 16, 2017 - 12:00am

DAVAO CITY, Philippines – Military alliances and the supply of missiles were not discussed by President Duterte with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who concluded his two-day visit in the Philippines last week.

The President said he does not want any foreign troops patrolling any part of the country including territorial waters.

“If you want your country really to grow, ayaw ko ng away (I do not want any fight). That’s why I talked to Abe… No military alliances, no nothing,” the President stressed at the induction of new officers of the Davao Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc. last Saturday night at the Marco Polo Hotel Davao. 

Abe left the country Friday after spending the night here in Davao City and visiting the house of the President.

Abe pledged eight trillion yen in development assistance to the Philippines in a span of five years.

The President stressed that he also wants the Philippines to be free of foreign soldiers, including United States forces, who are now in some parts of the country. 

“I want the country freed of foreign soldiers. Ayaw ko (I don’t like it). Time for the Philippines, so sibat na kayo (It’s our time, go ahead and leave). We are good enough. We are good now. So hindi mo na kailangan ‘yang mag-patrolya-patrolya (We don’t need any more patrolling),” the President said. 

The President said he had told Abe the country does not need missiles in its defense.

“Actually, sinabi ko kay Abe, hindi ko na kailangan ‘yang mga missile-missile… because as you would see now, sometimes it’s (Russian President) Vladimir Putin, he is very conciliatory and now (United States president-elect Donald) Trump is almost also (conciliatory),” he added. 

The President said he would rather pursue peace in the country by talking to all groups, including the Bangsamoro people.  

“Let me just talk to my brother Moro and the rest… Maybe, from there on, somebody should… Wala na ako, maubusan ako ng panahon, eh ‘di (If my time is up, maybe someone else has to do it) another Filipino should stand up and do the right thing. Hindi natin kailangan ng mga sundalo-sundalo (We don’t any more need foreign soldiers),” he said. 

The President said one way to world peace is by reaching out.

“Kapag binitawan lahat ‘yang nuclear (If all those nuclear plans were dropped)… You know if we start a war, a Third World War, that will be the end of the world,” he said. 

The President said the only problem the world now has is North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who has made everyone worried about his country’s nuclear weapons.

“Ngayon kung meron tayong… itong si Kim Jong Un, itong buwang nasa North Korea (Now, if we have a (problem), it is Kim Jong Un, this psychopath in North Korea), he is the wild card there, not Russia. Putin is just an ultra, ultra si Putin eh, ultra. But ang g*** diyan itong sa North Korea lang. Kung mamatay ‘yang buwang na ‘yan, okay na tayo (When that psychopath is gone, we’d be OK). And the Philippines would be OK, OK na tayo (We’d be OK),” he said.

Read more at http://beta.philstar.com/headlines/2017/01/16/1662673/military-alliances-not-discussed-rody-abe#KgSjWbcoE6HfwDQb.99

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