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送交者:  2016年02月09日18:38:21 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Bavaria commuter train crash: at least 10 dead in southern Germany

Scores injured, many seriously, after two trains crash head-on on single track near Bad Aibling

in Berlin

At least 10 people have died and scores have been injured – 50 seriously – after two commuter trains collided in southern Germany, police have said.

The crash happened near the Bavarian town of Bad Aibling at 6.48am on Tuesday. Several carriages overturned after the trains, which were travelling in opposite directions, collided head on.

Police said the death toll had risen to 10, with 50 severely injured and a further 100 carrying light injuries.

Federal police spokesman Stefan Brandl cautioned that the toll would change. He said: “The current number of dead and injured is a snapshot; this can and will change.”

The passengers were mostly commuters travelling between Munich and Rosenheim. Because of school holidays, many children who would normally take the trains were not on board, a local newspaper said.


Rescue workers from across Bavaria and from Austria attended the scene, with the injured transported by helicopter and boat from the site.

Both train drivers died in the crash. There is no information so far as to why the trains were on the single-lane track travelling in opposite directions at the same time.

“The accident is a huge shock for us. We’re doing everything to help the passengers, their relatives and train personnel,” Bernd Rosenbusch, the head of the Bavarian overland train service BOB, told the local news portal Mangfall24.

The trains’ operator, Meridian, is part of French passenger transport firm Transdev, which is jointly owned by state-owned bank CDC and water and waste firm Veolia.

State-owned Deutsche Bahn is responsible for the track. The line has a system that makes a train brake automatically if it goes through a red light.

The line between Holzkirchen and Rosenheim was closed indefinitely with a replacement bus service in operation. A press conference was expected to take place at midday.

摘要: 德国巴伐利亚省南部二月九日发生两列火车迎头相撞事故。早晨6:48分两列火车不知何故


  刚去那里玩儿回来,幸好选择了租车自驾。  /无内容 - 驭风 02/10/16 (475)
  火车迎头相撞?很低级的错误通常只有三哥才有  /无内容 - eachus 02/10/16 (545)
  只要是德国人制造的,必定有备份,相撞的 - 月落猪蹄 02/09/16 (938)
    两车均没按时刻表发车,导致对撞,时速100公里/小时。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 02/09/16 (572)
    Sys should be fault-tolerant - oldfarmer 02/12/16 (420)
    很是反感这些的stereotypical words - highsierra 02/09/16 (864)
      我承认stereotype是不妥,人们对某一国家或族群往往用 - CA_maple 02/10/16 (500)
      那以制造钟表,药物名扬世界的瑞士人又是如何呢 ? - haiwailaohua 02/10/16 (651)
    这当然是体制问题。  /无内容 - kman 02/09/16 (493)
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