美官员:有"迹象"显示飞机可能坠入印度洋 |
送交者: 2014年03月13日21:10:48 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
U.S. officials have an "indication" the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner
may have crashed in the Indian Ocean and is moving the USS Kidd to the area to begin searching. It will take another 24 hours to move the ship into position, a senior Pentagon official told ABC News. "We have an indication the plane went down in the Indian Ocean," the senior official said. The official said there were indications that the plane flew four or five hours after disappearing from radar and that they believe it went into the water. http://abcnews.go.com/International/us-officials-malaysia-airline-crashed-indian-ocean/story?id=22894802 |
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