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送交者:  2014年03月09日09:02:45 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

The Japanese pilot who made contact with the plane told Malaysian media outlets his plane, which was bound for Narita, Japan, was in Vietnamese airspace when he was asked to contact the pilot flying the missing plane.

In using his plane’s emergency frequency, he was asked to try and establish its position after authorities failed to make contact.

“We managed to establish contact with MH370 just after 1.30am and asked them if they have transferred into Vietnamese airspace,” he told the New Straits Times.

“The voice on the other side could have been either Captain Zaharie or Fariq, but I was sure it was the co-pilot.

“There were a lot of interference... static... but I heard mumbling from the other end.

“That was the last time we heard from them, as we lost the connection,” he said.”

He said those on the same frequency at the time would have heard him, including vessels on the waters below.

  应该是日本人英文太烂,没听懂。  /无内容 - kman 03/09/14 (446)
    这不是无人机,起降都要手动操作的。  /无内容 - kman 03/09/14 (482)
      现代客机确实可以全自动着陆的  /无内容 - firesteel 03/09/14 (473)
  飞机太脆弱了。以后应该是高铁+自行车解决所有交通问题  /无内容 - 吹事员 03/09/14 (442)
    以后是多久?以后应该是teleportation.  /无内容 - shanghai1228 03/09/14 (459)
  空调系统故障,仓内突然失压,人很快就不行了  /无内容 - jk11 03/09/14 (443)
  说明飞行员已经半昏迷,飞机故障可能大  /无内容 - 古宇庙 03/09/14 (447)
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