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Taiwan Surprise
送交者: usezguy 2016月11月03日21:04:24 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 昨天尹卓在央视"今日亚洲"说J20现在就是用国产发动机,不能超音速巡航 古宇庙 于 2016-11-02 10:44:36

The biggest surprise is not the engine, or the other J-20 progress. It is on the other side of the strait.

TW defence chief and its Airforce commander cannot tell the difference between J-20 and J-31! And they do not know the specs of the J-20!! And they claimed that F-16V is superior than J-20!!! And they have high confidence that the proposed F-16V will beat J-20 without problem!!!!

That is wonderful and surprise news. I wish everyone on this island would be a day dreamer like them. I therfore propose to change its Department of Defence (DoD) to Department of Dream (DoD).

  Dept of Deluded  /无内容 - rca 11/03/16 (536)
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