I was in Taiwan when |
送交者: rca 2016月05月26日04:59:35 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 绿党最高领导者出丑这不是第一次了?希望网友找出当年 由 haiwailaohua 于 2016-05-26 03:36:41 |
former president Clinton visited Taiwan on his book tour during Chen administration. I was completely astonished (could not help to feel indignant) by the improvident display of excessive servile adulation amounted to self deprecating buffoonery by the media in general and by the DPP party functionaries in particular.
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2015: | 包淳亮:南中国海决定性的争点 zt | |
2015: | 乌克兰代表团赴中国考察 或在华生产安2 | |
2014: | 王大校:中国一些学外语出身的外交官倡 | |
2014: | 越南在南沙所占岛礁开展大规模人工填海 | |
2013: | A Food for Soul - 長亭送別 | |
2013: | 据悉,此时586对中办又讲了四个字:“一 | |
2012: | 中美在港谍战 国安部沦陷 | |
2012: | 环球时报: 马列教授认为中国崛起举世瞩 | |
2011: | 美军官员叹服:中国以惊人速度生产022导 | |
2011: | 有人说如果双方不用核武,PLA完全可以占 | |