俄罗斯可能会把他卖了。普京说:“你快点走吧,别赖在我这儿了” ("sooner he chooses his final destination, the better it will be for us and him") 普京还说:“他没有什么新鲜货”(Mr. Snowden "told us nothing that we didn't know before" about American surveillance efforts),“就像在小猪身上剪羊毛,得到一大堆尖叫,没有多少羊毛”(" it's like shearing a piglet—a lot of squealing and little wool"),“我希望这不会影响同美国的关系,希望(美国)同事能理解”("I hope this doesn't in any way affect the nature of our relations with the U.S.," "I hope our partners understand that.")
Wiki解密也怀疑他有可能离开了(cast doubt on whether the fugitive has an exit route)。 他们觉得吊销护照,以及威胁中转国,可能致使斯诺登走不了永远呆在俄罗斯了("Canceling Snowden's passport and bullying intermediary countries may keep Snowden permanently in Russia")