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nature of control in the Unive
送交者: Snow 2011月01月21日22:08:38 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 周末辩论:理性思维与兽性思维 有哭有笑 于 2011-01-21 20:26:00

There are two kind of controls in the nature.

One is Human`s control over oxen and horses. Humans use violence, force, and fear to control oxen and horses. It is very reliable and successful. The US control over nations around the world is very much the same theory by using economic sanctions. This kind of control is cheap, suitable for controlling large amount of entities.

The other is  Human`s control over monkeys and dophins in circut. Humans use incentives, usually food to control monkey and dophins to lure them to do what humans want. Chinese culture, like Confucius teaching encourage the second one. But this one is very costable.

There are two control systems in the Universe. The West is using the first one, sometimes, a fix of the two. The chinese is using the second one always. If China wants to lead the world. China has to learn to hit the Western companies hard sometimes to balance their menance on so called issues, like human rights, environment, anything China see fit. Nature tells us all secret.

  controls in the nature? - 倚案旁观 01/21/11 (462)
    Good ideas - brainstorming - Snow 01/22/11 (513)
  人与兽有区别吗?  /无内容 - 有哭有笑 01/21/11 (460)
    There are some - Snow 01/21/11 (482)
      兽没有错 - 有哭有笑 01/21/11 (534)
        这其实是问“人的对错(喜恶)”概念从哪里来?  /无内容 - 倚案旁观 01/21/11 (452)
          这其实是问“人的对错(*善*恶)”概念从哪里来?  /无内容 - 倚案旁观 01/21/11 (460)
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