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Good ideas - brainstorming
送交者: Snow 2011月01月22日08:38:25 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: controls in the nature? 倚案旁观 于 2011-01-21 23:20:13

Good ideas, brainstorming.  The two controls, I would name them Control1 and Control2 respectively. Control has its purpose or objectives. First the entity has to be workable, not disabled. The use of medicine, sleep, habit change, environment change, prbably will disable the entity. Also the cost will be high, make it difficult to control large number of entities.

You are right, when come to exclusively classify the controls in the natures. There are so many. But there are just two if stand on the benefit of the entity. One is what it don`t want and don`t meet its benefit, this is the Control1, the other is what it want and meet its benefit, this is the Control2.  The Control1 works very well on oxen and horses. This is the theory that the US used on nations around the world by using sanctions in my opinion. Sanctions is not wanted by any nation, but again and again when the US use it to threat the world, nations give up. why? dependency. Of course when oxens and horses run in the forest, humans cannot do anything. When they are captured, depend on humans for supply, then humans know how to tame it.  How? We have two choice, give it something on behalf of its wellbeing or something agaist its wellbeing. Humans are smart, humans know how to reduce cost.  Once the entity settle into habit, that Control1 become its nature. 

Big theory always start from small thing.

Lets look at stability. When two objects with different temperature contact each other, the status is not stable. In sometimes the two objects will end up with same temperature. If use it to society, what is the balance point so the society can be stable -it is Equity. This is what the West try to preach. The theory is concluded from the nature of nature. Stability is its destination.

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