原位于纽约茂比利桑树街70号(70 Mulberry St.)的美国华人博物馆(MOCA)由历史学家John Kuo Wei Tchen(陈国维)和社区活动家Charles Lai(黎重旺)共同创办于1980年,虽然号称有八万五千件档案和文物,但是博物馆展览面积比旧金山唐人街的美国华人历史学会博物馆还要小。而且这些文物,在2020年建馆四十周年之际,遭受了一场无妄大火的毁坏,将近一半以上重要的文物,丧失殆尽,无法恢复。


2020年1月23日,一场大火席卷了Mulberry Street 70号 MOCA 馆址
美国华人博物馆的新馆址位于中央街215号(215 Centre Street,New York, NY 10013)由著名华裔建筑师林璎负责设计,不但面积扩大了几倍,展品比较整洁规范,建筑物本身就值得一看。将于今(2025)年完工和开幕,提供最先进的公众聚会空间。

Museum of Chinese in America or MOCA started off in 1980 as the New York Chinatown History Project by historian John Kuo Wei Tchen and community resident/activist Charles Lai. Housed in what Architectural Digest says is among Maya Lin's most memorable designs within the triangle that links SoHo, Little Italy, and Chinatown. Known as the preeminent museum of Chinese American culture and history in the U.S., the collections comprise more than 60,000 letters, documents, business records along with oral histories, clothing, textiles and precious photos. The Core exhibit is designed around the heart of the museum, a light-filled courtyard like the rooms of a traditional Chinese house. Today, MOCA offers the Chinatown Food Tour and From Coffeehouses to Banquet Halls Walking Tours.


