一个梦想了二十年的气候恶化成因实验 |
送交者: 2023年08月01日04:41:33 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
2002年,我自费进行一个气候实验,希望考证“二氧化碳温室效应”还是“电能摄取电磁感应” 造成全球变暖。由于个人财力有限,得不到外界支持,实验半途而废。今天,旧事重提,早已物事人非,令人唏嘘. 2002年,我自费进行一个气候实验,希望考证“二氧化碳温室效应”还是“电能摄取电磁感应” 造成全球变暖。由于个人财力有限,得不到外界支持,实验半途而废。今天,旧事重提,早已物事人非,令人唏嘘。每一个人都有一个梦想,而我的梦想实在太多太多了。说来惭愧,迄今为止,我的梦想还没有一个能够实现。二十年前,我梦想创立现实科学理论体系解放全人类思想;梦想1千本《宇宙异变的先兆---SARS和禽流感的警示》著作能够挽回30万人生命;梦想《宇宙》全球地震进动“8”模式解开地震密码拯救更多苍生;梦想通过生命“T”模式解开地球生命诞生之谜;梦想借助 SARS和COVID-19 读懂宇宙传递给人类的信息;梦想在地球中心(北纬7度、东经180度)找到MH370残骸;梦想透视潜藏在厄尔尼诺暖流的地球中心看到人类未来。梦想潜入1万米深海证实印度洋中脊夹角为75度;梦想深入南凸北凹极地冰川破解南极冰川扩张和北冰洋消融的矛盾;梦想运用约瑟夫森原理寻找“X”行星(暗物质);梦想通过迈斯纳效应解开地球虚空运动的玄机;梦想通过超导体寻找新能源使人类向宇宙拓展生存空间。 梦想建立全球预警监测机制来减少Covid-19对世界造成的伤害;梦想创办《宇宙》国际科研中心应对即将到来的COVID-19威胁;梦想建立《全球资源优化智能生态网》化解即将发生的全球经济一体化危机;梦想回溯地球生命诞生源头找到COVID-19来自海洋的轨迹;梦想在鱼身上做实验找出COVID-19起源在哪里。 梦想做一个电能摄取电磁感应实验找出全球变暖的真正原因;梦想全球突然停止一切用电来检验地球产生什么神奇现象;梦想三分钟气候恶化实验拯救人类未来;梦想1千页地球气候恶化成因实验研究报告化解人类与自然产生的矛盾,推动社会与科学的进步,消除气候恶化危机。梦想大同世界人类与大自然和睦相处。 总之,我的梦想匪夷所思,数不胜数、高不可攀。迄今,虽然我的每一个梦想都未能实现,但是,二十年来许多梦境在现实世界中不停地呈现。令人悲哀的是:我的每一个梦想幻灭意味着无数生灵涂炭,印度洋大地震海啸如是,COVID-19大流行如是,全球经济一体化危机如是……。相信接下来的梦境仍将沿着时间轴线不断上演。 那么,气候恶化成因实验的梦想如是吗?很明显,一旦这个梦想破灭,77亿人将沦为宇宙、大自然进行地球气候恶化实验的牺牲品,其下场可想而知,结果亦毋庸置疑。目前,气候恶化迫在眉睫,留给人类纠错的时间不多了,若您不想沦为气候恶化的牺牲品,请全力支持这个梦想了二十年的气候恶化成因实验,此乃善意的危险忠告!纯粹是一种自然反应、本能表达! 地球气候恶化成因研究实验室 劳锦全 An experiment on the causes of climate deterioration dreamed of for two decades In 2002, I conducted a climate experiment at my own expense, hoping to verify whether "carbon dioxide greenhouse effect" or "electromagnetic induction of electric energy intake" caused global warming. Due to limited personal financial resources and lack of external support, the experiment was abandoned halfway. Today, the old things are brought up again, and things have changed, which is embarrassing. Everyone has a dream, but I have too many dreams. Ashamed to say, so far, none of my dreams have come true. Twenty years ago, I dreamed of creating a theoretical system of realistic science to liberate the minds of all mankind; dreamed that 1,000 copies of "The Omen of Cosmic Mutations--Warning of SARS and Bird Flu" could save 300,000 lives; dreamed of "Universe" global earthquake precession "8" mode to unlock the earthquake code to save more common people; dream of solving the mystery of the birth of life on earth through the "T" mode of life; dream of understanding the information sent by the universe to human beings with the help of SARS and COVID-19; 370 Wreckage; Dream sees the future of human beings through the perspective of the center of the earth hidden in the El Nino warm current. Dream of diving into the 10,000-meter deep sea to confirm that the angle between the mid-ridge of the Indian Ocean is 75 degrees; dream of going deep into the polar glaciers of the south convex and north concave to solve the contradiction between the expansion of Antarctic glaciers and the melting of the Arctic Ocean; dream of using Josephson's principle to find "X" planet (dark matter); dream of unraveling the mystery of the earth's void movement through the Meissner effect; Dream of establishing a global early warning and monitoring mechanism to reduce the damage caused by Covid-19 to the world; dream of establishing the "Universe" international scientific research center to deal with the upcoming threat of COVID-19; dream of establishing the "Global Resource Optimization Smart Ecological Network" to resolve the upcoming crisis of global economic integration; dream of going back to the origin of life on earth to find the trajectory of COVID-19 from the ocean; dream of doing experiments on fish to find out where the origin of COVID-19 is. Dream of doing an electric energy intake electromagnetic induction experiment to find out the real cause of global warming; dream of the world suddenly stopping all electricity use to test the magical phenomenon of the earth; dream of a three-minute climate deterioration experiment to save the future of mankind; dream of a 1,000-page experiment research report on the causes of earth climate deterioration to resolve the contradictions between humans and nature, promote social and scientific progress, and eliminate the crisis of climate deterioration. Dreaming of a harmonious world where human beings live in harmony with nature. In short, my dreams are incredible, countless and unattainable. So far, although every one of my dreams has failed to come true, many dreams have continued to appear in the real world in the past two decades. The sad thing is: every disillusionment of my dreams means that countless lives are lost, such as the earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the crisis of global economic integration... I believe that the next dream will continue to be staged along the time axis. So, is the dream of an experiment on the causes of climate deterioration true? Obviously, once this dream is shattered, 7.7 billion people will become victims of the universe and nature's experiments on the deterioration of the earth's climate. The fate can be imagined, and the result is beyond doubt. At present, climate deterioration is imminent, and there is not much time left for human beings to correct their mistakes. If you do not want to become a victim of climate deterioration, please fully support this experiment on the causes of climate deterioration that has been dreamed for 20 years. This is a kind and dangerous advice! It is purely a natural reaction, an instinctive expression! Earth Climate Deterioration Research Laboratory Lao Jinquan
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