大陆最近在热播抗美神剧《长津湖》,手边正好有一部1982年出版的《朝鲜战争不为人知的故事》(Korea - The Untold Story of the War)。
书中有一些珍贵的照片,还有对战争细节的描述,都惨不忍睹。关于美军取胜的原因,美国大兵事后认为纯属幸运。因为志愿军供给和通讯不济,也就是高层军事指挥上的失误。很多时候,他们能看到成群结队的志愿军士兵无所适从,在阵地上乱窜,或嗷嗷叫唤,成了活靶子,士兵得不到食物补给,伤兵也得不到救治,被活活冻死或被美军打死。相反,美军空中补给、伤员救护和联络通讯方面,都做得有条不紊,非常到位,成经典战例。(Had the Chinese possessed adequate logistical support and communications, the marines would never have gotten out of the reservoir)。
美军伤3,511人,死922人(Between October 26 and December 15 the 1st Marine Division had 4418 battle casualties - 604 killed in action, 114 dead of wounds,192 missing in action, 3,508 wounded in action. There were another 7,313 non-battle casualties, mostly minor frostbite or indigestion cases quickly returned to duty. In addition, 8 marine pilots were killed, 4 missing, another 3 wounded.)。
志愿军伤12,500人,死25,000人(By their own admission in documents captured later in the war, the Chinese opposing the marines suffered 37,500 casualties - 15,000 killed and 7,500 wounded by marine ground forces, plus 10,000 killed and 5,000 wounded by air operations.)。