国家领导人永康同志下令做掉孙茂业四口人 |
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久经考验的党和国家卓越领导人周永康同志下令斩草除掉孙茂业同志一家四口人 领袖亲切温暖的关怀 惶恐小民颤栗终生 One year later, family's murders remain unsolved A husband, wife and their two children were killed inside their Cypress home By Miya Shay Thursday, January 29, 2015 HOUSTON (KTRK) -- The simple memorials glisten under the Texas sun. Two small saplings sit in front of the Coles Crossing community pool. Beneath each, a small stone memorial reads "In Loving Memory ... Always in Our Hearts." They were planted by the Cub Scout pack to which Timothy and Titus Sun belonged. The brothers were shot and killed along with their parents a year ago. To this day, there are no leads and no suspects. "It was very scary when we found out," said Lisa Poteet, whose children attended the same elementary school as the Sun brothers. "Scary, just the whole situation was very scary." Poteet, like many in this perfectly manicured, suburban neighborhood of Coles Crossing, still can't imagine why anyone would kill the family. Investigators believe Maoye Sun, his wife Mei Xie, and the two boys were shot in their home some time Friday evening, January 24, 2014. Their bodies weren't discovered until the father failed to show up for work the following Monday. "Basically, a year has passed and we have no idea what's going on," said Wei Zuo, a friend of the Suns, who lives around the corner. "We've asked the police, and we don't know if they're going to catch this person or not." Even with the uncertainty, life in this otherwise idyllic slice of suburban life continues. Zuo's husband occasionally drives the Suns' cars around the block to keep them in running condition. The yard is regularly mowed by the homeowners association. The neighborhood is determined to keep the home the Suns would have wanted, even though they are no longer there. When the murders first happened, there were small vigils, big memorials, and Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia made a promise. "My office is dedicating all resources available to find those responsible," said Garcia during a rally last February. Since then, the problem has not been one of resources, but just lack of information. No new clues. No suspects. Houston's Chinese community is understandably frustrated. Next week, it will add another $5,000 to the already large reward fund, bringing the total to $75,000. "I think people in the Chinese community, they will feel unsafe, they won't know why it happened, what's the motivation, until we have answers," said Yinging Sun, (no relation) the head of the citizens group Houston Chinese Alliance. Various rumors have danced across the internet, but a year after two little boys and their parents were killed, the trail is growing increasingly cold. 周永康下令在美国休斯敦杀人 - 休斯敦灭门案真相 2017年07月01日 9:22 早已在狱中服刑的中共前政治局高官周永康被曝出最新口供,称数年 前发生的休斯顿灭门案来自于他的策划,不禁令外界释然的同时感到 震惊。 遇害的是50岁的孙茂业(Maoye Sun)和49岁的妻子谢梅(Mei Xie)及他们的 两个儿子9岁的孙晓天、7岁的孙晓泰,4人均死在家中不同房间。 综合媒体7月1日报道,2014年1月底,即中国农历年的新年前夕,美国 休斯敦西北社区一对中国移民夫妇和他们两个年仅9岁和7岁的儿子被发 现惨遭杀害,4人头部均受到至少一次枪击,且陈尸家中不同房间多日。 由于作案手法高超、行动隐蔽,致使案情扑朔迷离,当地警方一直未能 获得有关犯罪嫌疑人和行凶武器的任何信息。 据悉,案发地为当地高档住宅区,约有2,000户人家,风景优美,治安 一向良好。由于案发当时没有人听到枪声,因此一直不为外界察觉。是 男主人当年1月24日后一直没有正常到岗,引起公司同事注意并通知了 警方。警方1月30日赶到其住宅,才发现了凶案现场。 遇难的夫妇分别为50岁的工程师孙茂业和他49岁的妻子谢梅。 如果不是周永康亲口对此案交代了策划经过,很可能这起震惊当地、并 造成长期恐慌的灭门惨案永远迎不来被侦破的时刻。 俄罗斯卫星网1日的报道称,孙茂业移民美国以前,在中石油工作多年, 包括在周永康当领导时期。孙后来被派往美国购买石油开采和加工设备, 这些任务的操作,使得他对周永康及其家人非法敛财的内幕有了一定 了解。 当中国的反腐运动开始触及到周永康这个层面时,周担心孙知道得太多 于己不利,遂下令灭掉了孙及其全家。如今可以想见,正是来自中共顶 级官员的命令,才能有极高的作案手段能让美国警方在侦破上束手无策。 然而,虽然杀手做得天衣无缝,没有留下任何线索,但周永康在被判无 期徒刑后,终于承认策划并实施了这起犯罪的事实。 2014年2月8日,美国休斯敦华人侨社举行烛光追思会,悼念近日遇害的美籍华人 孙茂业和家人。孙茂业和妻子及两个孩子2月初被发现在家中惨遭枪杀。
新华社发 Cops seek gunman in Cypress shooting that killed 4 Bodies of parents, young sons were found in different rooms, may have been there for days By Brian Rogers, James Pinkerton, Cindy George, By Brian Rogers, James Pinkerton, and Cindy George Updated 9:20 am, Tuesday, February 4, 2014 无声手枪超近距离抵住9岁孙晓天、7岁孙晓泰头部、 扣动扳机的国家安全部特别行动队特工同志,任务完 成得无声无息、干净漂亮!你为党为国、你为中共中 央政治局常委、无产阶级革命家领导同志、你为祖国 的事业、人民的幸福,你为红色江山一代一代又一代、 一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九代往下传至24 世纪、你为斩草除掉海外反华势力的苗苗,立下感天 动地、与日月争辉、特大英雄赫赫战功 ! 几十年战斗 在美国帝国主义敌人心脏革命华人奔走相告,无不为 你自豪!为你荣耀!下一届国务委员、国家安全部部 长,就是你了! 伟大的事业,需要千千万钢铁般意志的战士去完成! |
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