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送交者:  2012年07月05日07:35:51 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话

An Independence Day fireworks display lights up the sky over Washington, as seen from the U.S. Marine Corps Memorial in Arlington, Virginia, July 4, 2012.

An Independence Day fireworks display lights up the sky over Washington, as seen from the U.S. Marine Corps Memorial in Arlington, Virginia, July 4, 2012.

Fireworks illuminate the night sky over the Washington Monument (bottom) during Fourth of July celebrations in Washington, DC, on July 4, 2012. Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in US commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Fireworks illuminate the night sky over the Washington Monument and the Capitol Dome (bottom) during Fourth of July celebrations in Washington, DC, on July 4, 2012. Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in US commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Fireworks light up the sky over the Philadelphia Museum of Art during an Independence Day celebration, Wednesday, July 4, 2012, in Philadelphia.

Fireworks explode over the Philadelphia Museum of Art and a statue of George Washington during an Independence Day celebration, Wednesday, July 4, 2012, in Philadelphia.

BAUMHOLDER, GERMANY - JULY 04: U.S. soldiers and their families watch fireworks during the 4th of July festivities at the Baumholder U.S. military base on July 4, 2012 in Baumholder, Germany. Baumholder has traditionally been home to the 170th Infantry Brigade, though the unit, which numbers several thousand soldiers and has participated in numerous combat operations in Afghanistan, will be inactivated by the fall of 2012 and its members and their families redeployed, mostly back to the United States. The move is part of a broader cost-cutting effort by the Pentagon, though it does not mean the end for the Baumholder garrison, as other U.S. military units are currently being gradually transferred to it.

BAUMHOLDER, GERMANY - JULY 04: U.S. soldiers and their families watch fireworks during the 4th of July festivities at the Baumholder U.S. military base on July 4, 2012 in Baumholder, Germany. Baumholder has traditionally been home to the 170th Infantry Brigade, though the unit, which numbers several thousand soldiers and has participated in numerous combat operations in Afghanistan, will be inactivated by the fall of 2012 and its members and their families redeployed, mostly back to the United States. The move is part of a broader cost-cutting effort by the Pentagon, though it does not mean the end for the Baumholder garrison, as other U.S. military units are currently being gradually transferred to it.

BAUMHOLDER, GERMANY - JULY 04: U.S. soldiers and their families watch fireworks during the Fourth of July festivities at the Baumholder U.S. military base on July 4, 2012 in Baumholder, Germany. Baumholder has traditionally been home to the 170th Infantry Brigade, though the unit, which numbers several thousand soldiers and has participated in numerous combat operations in Afghanistan, will be inactivated by the fall of 2012 and its members and their families redeployed, mostly back to the United States. The move is part of a broader cost-cutting effort by the Pentagon, though it does not mean the end for the Baumholder garrison, as other U.S. military units are currently being gradually transferred to it.

BAUMHOLDER, GERMANY - JULY 04: U.S. soldiers and their families watch fireworks during the 4th of July festivities at the Baumholder U.S. military base on July 4, 2012 in Baumholder, Germany. Baumholder has traditionally been home to the 170th Infantry Brigade, though the unit, which numbers several thousand soldiers and has participated in numerous combat operations in Afghanistan, will be inactivated by the fall of 2012 and its members and their families redeployed, mostly back to the United States. The move is part of a broader cost-cutting effort by the Pentagon, though it does not mean the end for the Baumholder garrison, as other U.S. military units are currently being gradually transferred to it.
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          我想到了三毛江姐白毛女,想到了一手拿着酒瓶 - 赤松子5 07/05/12 (386)
            整个一个发癔症。  /无内容 - x-file 07/05/12 (402)
      阿Q精神是所有狡辩民族的最后精神支柱 - 大汉霍去病 07/05/12 (421)
        我一直以为老朽精神是所有狡辩民族的最后精神支柱  /无内容 - 透气 07/05/12 (370)
      神机营用得是烧火棍?你和老朽都乐于调侃历史,误己误人  /无内容 - 透气 07/05/12 (370)
        xfile是只要是中国的就看不惯,只要跟这他洋干爹。。。  /无内容 - 赤松子5 07/05/12 (384)
          一个台把子少管大中华的事情,先把驴羞脸的一屁股屎搞干净再说 - 大汉霍去病 07/05/12 (439)
          滚回你黑干妈怀里去,来这捣什么乱  /无内容 - x-file 07/05/12 (432)
            这么恼羞成怒了?你还挺护着你洋干爹啊,还说不得!  /无内容 - 赤松子5 07/05/12 (417)
              我,我,我, - x-file 07/05/12 (448)
                要讲究奉献,而不是索取。只要人人都献出一点爱,这世界。。。  /无内容 - 赤松子5 07/05/12 (406)
                  是,狼看着葡萄说,我要爱惜她,反正也吃不到。  /无内容 - x-file 07/05/12 (413)
                    庸俗了。。。  /无内容 - 赤松子5 07/05/12 (404)
          洋干爹打到你家烧了你屋是教育你,苦口婆心让你健康成长。  /无内容 - 赤松子5 07/05/12 (374)
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