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送交者:  2012年01月25日16:51:38 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话
Tibet road photos:

Expect a Chinese attack by June/July

Last updated on: January 9, 2012 19:53 IST
Colonel Anil Athale (retd) 

It is time the ministry of defence got cracking in building up the Indian Army's military capability to face the Chinese threat, warns Colonel Anil Athale (retd).

Last year when this author wrote about a Kargil- style foray by China in the near future, the idea was more in the realm of speculation. But the events of the last few months seem to move the likelihood from the speculative to the possible.

But it seems that New Delhi is in deep slumber or has no time to pay attention to such 'minor' issues like national security when all attention is focused on the upcoming assembly election in Uttar Pradesh.

It is, however, unfair to blame the government alo#8800 even the Opposition is equally busy in its perennial game of one 'UP-manship' and has never effectively taken up the issue of defence preparedness in Parliament.

The media is frivolous as ever and is chasing TRPs; unfortunately there are no TRPs to be gained on defence issues.

This is an attempt by a student of history to give a wake-up call.

Colonel (Dr) Anil Athale (retd) is coordinator of the Pune-based think-tank, Indian Initiative for Peace, Arms-control & Disarmament and co-author of the official history of the 1962 India-China conflict.

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People's Liberation Army recruits at a military base in Changzhi, China
  hope PLA would do that - 西门二大爷 01/10/12 (0)
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Tibet road photos:

Expect a Chinese attack by June/July

Last updated on: January 9, 2012 19:53 IST
Colonel Anil Athale (retd) 

It is time the ministry of defence got cracking in building up the Indian Army's military capability to face the Chinese threat, warns Colonel Anil Athale (retd).

Last year when this author wrote about a Kargil- style foray by China in the near future, the idea was more in the realm of speculation. But the events of the last few months seem to move the likelihood from the speculative to the possible.

But it seems that New Delhi is in deep slumber or has no time to pay attention to such 'minor' issues like national security when all attention is focused on the upcoming assembly election in Uttar Pradesh.

It is, however, unfair to blame the government alo#8800 even the Opposition is equally busy in its perennial game of one 'UP-manship' and has never effectively taken up the issue of defence preparedness in Parliament.

The media is frivolous as ever and is chasing TRPs; unfortunately there are no TRPs to be gained on defence issues.

This is an attempt by a student of history to give a wake-up call.

Colonel (Dr) Anil Athale (retd) is coordinator of the Pune-based think-tank, Indian Initiative for Peace, Arms-control & Disarmament and co-author of the official history of the 1962 India-China conflict.

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People's Liberation Army recruits at a military base in Changzhi, China
  hope PLA would do that - 西门二大爷 01/10/12 (0)
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Tibet road photos:

Expect a Chinese attack by June/July

Last updated on: January 9, 2012 19:53 IST
Colonel Anil Athale (retd) 

It is time the ministry of defence got cracking in building up the Indian Army's military capability to face the Chinese threat, warns Colonel Anil Athale (retd).

Last year when this author wrote about a Kargil- style foray by China in the near future, the idea was more in the realm of speculation. But the events of the last few months seem to move the likelihood from the speculative to the possible.

But it seems that New Delhi is in deep slumber or has no time to pay attention to such 'minor' issues like national security when all attention is focused on the upcoming assembly election in Uttar Pradesh.

It is, however, unfair to blame the government alo#8800 even the Opposition is equally busy in its perennial game of one 'UP-manship' and has never effectively taken up the issue of defence preparedness in Parliament.

The media is frivolous as ever and is chasing TRPs; unfortunately there are no TRPs to be gained on defence issues.

This is an attempt by a student of history to give a wake-up call.

Colonel (Dr) Anil Athale (retd) is coordinator of the Pune-based think-tank, Indian Initiative for Peace, Arms-control & Disarmament and co-author of the official history of the 1962 India-China conflict.

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People's Liberation Army recruits at a military base in Changzhi, China
  hope PLA would do that - 西门二大爷 01/10/12 (0)
标题字体文字大小文字颜色文字背景粗体斜体下划线删除线删除格式图片FlashWindows Media PlayerReal Player层表格特殊字符横线笑脸创建超级连接删除超级连接关于
      你要连人拍到此一游,曝光根据背景天空,人物打灯补光  /无内容 - 透气 01/25/12 (336)
      我那天就夸了几句北京,其他地方我不知道。去云南,那里也很蓝。  /无内容 - x-file 01/25/12 (322)
    如果你去过川西,你用肉眼看,也这颜色.你不明白我说的意思  /无内容 - dont agree 01/25/12 (337)
      你要连人拍到此一游,曝光根据背景天空,人物打灯补光--跟错贴  /无内容 - 透气 01/25/12 (307)
        没事,看见了,多谢。  /无内容 - macrowave 01/25/12 (325)
    透气来讲讲?  /无内容 - macrowave 01/25/12 (319)
    都是用偏振镜拍摄地,当然空气好也是必须  /无内容 - 东风劲 01/25/12 (332)
      对,应是偏振光镜,还要旋转调角度。  /无内容 - macrowave 01/25/12 (331)
      我拍了上万张,从来没用过偏振,蓝色从来不是问题,你等我上图  /无内容 - dont agree 01/25/12 (349)
        顺光时不是问题,逆光或侧光就不行了。  /无内容 - macrowave 01/25/12 (349)
  在水多的地方这种天不多,没污染也不多。 - 泡面糊了 01/25/12 (359)
    我说了,我小时常见,普通的不能再普通了,你还要我怎么描述啊  /无内容 - dont agree 01/25/12 (348)
      在哪儿?  /无内容 - 泡面糊了 01/25/12 (323)
        北京.另外我这安省没别的就是水多,这蔚蓝色也是平常色.  /无内容 - dont agree 01/25/12 (338)
          我小时候那天没事就是雾蒙蒙的。到了美国不信邪,从不用防晒霜, - 泡面糊了 01/25/12 (344)
          估计面糊是想讲空气里水份多  /无内容 - 透气 01/25/12 (324)
          谁教我一下怎么贴本机里的图? 我想告诉你们什么叫蓝色!!!! - dont agree 01/25/12 (357)
            缩小文件尺寸先,点图标,在本地choose file  /无内容 - 透气 01/25/12 (395)
              你进来看 - dont agree 01/25/12 (360)
                好相最大800  /无内容 - 透气 01/25/12 (350)
                  还有文件类型要是JPG啥的  /无内容 - 透气 01/25/12 (325)
  指个灰蒙蒙的东西就是蓝, 我肯定死翘翘  /无内容 - dont agree 01/25/12 (307)
    那个灰蒙蒙也叫蓝只能说你土的也太可怜了,无语!  /无内容 - dont agree 01/25/12 (330)
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