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送交者:  2011年01月25日15:20:49 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话



A hot question buzzing on the Internet in China this week is this: Did the Chinese-born pianist Lang Lang mean to send a pointed message with the song he played at the state dinner at the White House last Wednesday.

(Soundbite of song, "My Motherland")

BLOCK: The song is called "My Motherland." It was written for a Chinese movie about the Korean War from 1956.

(Soundbite of song, "My Motherland")

(Soundbite of film, "Battle on Shangganling Mountain")

(Soundbite of music)

Unidentified Woman: (Singing in foreign language)

BLOCK: The film portrays the war as a triumph over U.S. imperialism and has been used as anti-American propaganda. But I when I reached Lang Lang today, he said he had no idea about any of that.

Mr. LANG LANG (Pianist): The truth is, I only know this piece because it's a beautiful melody. And, actually, I played many times as encore before because it's, artistically, it's a beautiful piece. I never thought about, you know, and I never knew about anything about, you know, the background.

BLOCK: Well, some people, as you know, on blogs in China, are seizing on this, saying that it was a moment for a world famous pianist to sort of drop a note of nationalism, of Chinese nationalism into the States here.

Mr. LANG LANG: You know, that's the last thing I want to do because, first of all, you know, I grew up as a teenager in America. I mean, I studied at Curtis. And I feel both China and America is my home. And, you know, I have a really wonderful emotions towards American people. And I have a lot of my great friends, my teachers, are all from here.

So for me, you know, to be invited to play at White House is a great honor. And especially, you know, to play for president of my homeland and also the country which I live, which is America. So, I only wanted to bring the best, you know, of the music melodies. And that's it, you know. I am absolutely say it from bottom of my heart that, you know, I think music, it's a bridge between our cultures.

BLOCK: The song that you played, in the movie, in the "Battle on Shangganling Mountain," which came out in 1956, it is a very nationalistic song and it...

Mr. LANG LANG: You know, I never know about that movie. I just learned it afterward. It's like, 1956. This is when my mother was two years old. I mean, this is 55 years ago. And when I grew up, I only hear this as a beautiful melody. That's it. And this piece is very popular as a traditional Chinese song.

BLOCK: I've been told that this song is a favorite at karaoke bars.

Mr. LANG LANG: Yeah. I mean, it's just, you know, it's a song that, like, everyone in the Chinese world knows about the melody. You know, I mean, that's the truth. I mean, I choose it because its beautiful melody. I have this connection through the melody. It's a really beautiful melody.

BLOCK: Well, Lang Lang, what were your - how did you react when you heard that in China, on the Web, people were adding meaning to this choice thinking you were sort of thumbing your nose at the United States in some way? What did you think?

Mr. LANG LANG: I feel very sad. You know, I very sad. And, you know, and I must say, disappointing. Because, you know, as a person, what I'm trying to do, and what my missions are, you know, making music. And, you know, I'm very honored that people inviting me to play in those great events and to connect us to classical music and to music, to Chinese music and to American music, to, you know, to world music. And once, you know, people use it as a political issue, that makes me really sad because I am a musician. I'm not a politician.

BLOCK: Well, Lang Lang, it's good to talk to you. Thanks very much.

Mr. LANG LANG: OK. Bye-bye.

  郎朗, 那是沈阳纯爷们!这么说是给08留点面子!弱智们不会懂  /无内容 - true_false 01/26/11 (343)
    爷们,能不改头换面地做一次真正男人吗?或许你就是sissy.  /无内容 - 透气 01/26/11 (348)
    你是勇夫?怎么没看到你到白宫去唱我的祖国?  /无内容 - true_false 01/26/11 (352)
      就这样的的SB哪能听懂郎朗的演奏?你卖你B脸赚的钱不用心疼吧  /无内容 - true_false 01/26/11 (285)
      我靠,你这是在泄私粪。70刀你就这熊样,快找大尸加钱!  /无内容 - sunquest 01/25/11 (342)
        不是钱的问题。 如果我花70刀看场演出, 我想看一场尊重观众 - true_false 01/25/11 (401)
          你还讲人品?你是人吗?你配人字那一撇一捺吗?  /无内容 - true_false 01/26/11 (352)
          不用便解了,俺们很了解你的。是不是策反朗朗失手了?  /无内容 - sunquest 01/25/11 (364)
          难道要当场分钱给你看?说的活灵活现象真的一样 - gec 01/25/11 (347)
    你这么替大尸卖命,它会很快召你下去陪它  /无内容 - sunquest 01/25/11 (308)
  我的祖国 and 美國国歌 "星条旗" - usezguy 01/25/11 (399)
    我和你没什么异议啊,给朗朗the benifit of - 透气 01/25/11 (333)
      可是大得去啦!那还得了?  /无内容 - 地富反坏 01/25/11 (351)
        你这怂样,人家扁担没砸下来,就拉裤子了  /无内容 - sunquest 01/25/11 (325)
        志愿军伙夫一根扁担两个饭勺还缴过美国枪  /无内容 - gec 01/25/11 (319)
    听得都抽搐了  /无内容 - sunquest 01/25/11 (333)
    它没鸡没卵的,是给钢钳插进了屁眼  /无内容 - sunquest 01/25/11 (323)
  一般人接受采访后,都会感谢对方,而不是bye-bye  /无内容 - horse625 01/25/11 (347)
    好死不溃是大尸的焖牲,有脚痒  /无内容 - sunquest 01/25/11 (321)
  根本问题是:对“我的祖国”是何感情。爱还是恨 ?  /无内容 - 历经风浪的老水手 01/25/11 (327)
    问得好,中国总有那么多汉奸,的确让人在国际上抬不起头来。  /无内容 - 黄瓜切片 01/25/11 (347)
      不过以你上音的背景,应该比我更了解文艺界的起落 - 透气 01/25/11 (301)
      不过你我有一点相同,眼下是谁都没有资格做汉奸估计那五毛也如此  /无内容 - 透气 01/25/11 (319)
        笑死活该,傻哺垃圾的,活着浪废粮食  /无内容 - sunquest 01/25/11 (326)
    如果热爱“我的祖国”就是五毛。在下情愿做“五毛”。  /无内容 - 历经风浪的老水手 01/25/11 (304)
      相反,那些恨“我的祖国”的:您们敢情愿自称“汉奸”吗 ?  /无内容 - 历经风浪的老水手 01/25/11 (302)
        那群2B哪有这胆,一群没卵的畜牲  /无内容 - sunquest 01/25/11 (341)
        问得好!比那些虚伪地弯弯绕着暗地里诋毁自己的民族和祖国的人正 - 鉴定完毕。 01/25/11 (312)
  NND,有那么多思考,还能透气么? - 道友 01/25/11 (382)
    you know, you know, you know, - 透气 01/25/11 (328)
      所谓软实力!郎朗知道背景,够爷们!  /无内容 - iioo_8 01/26/11 (320)
        不知道,装得:可以理解;真不知道:更好,不然也许就不自然了。  /无内容 - iioo_8 01/26/11 (309)
          稀里糊涂就把大事给办了。  /无内容 - iioo_8 01/26/11 (305)
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