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因为菲律宾信天主教, 所以在网上这样忽悠他们。 他们在一个印度新闻关于南海哭天抹泪的
送交者:  2024年07月26日06:42:29 于 [世界游戏论坛] 发送悄悄话


Finoes believe in God, and then, maybe, just may be this is his will?

Do not fight it, follow it, and bear with it. As Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel said, 'All that is real is rational, and all that is rational is real.' This means that reason and reality are complementary and both are true. We have those islands now; that is real, and it is rational. The Absolute Spirit expresses itself through nature and everything in the world, including the South China Sea.

If you think about it, how could a previously backward country like China become a new superpower in such a short time? This has never happened before in human history. Why were past powers able to occupy countries like the Philippines or India and rule for so long? The reason was industrialization. Industrialized countries were stronger than those that were not, as they could produce big guns, airplanes, tanks, and warships. Your country did not have these, so they occupied your country and ruled you.

The same principle applies today. Modern warfare is still based on the strength of a country's industry, especially its manufacturing industry. As of 2023, China's manufacturing output is $5.5 trillion, compared to the US at $2.8 trillion, Japan at $1 trillion, and Germany at $0.7 trillion. This means China's manufacturing output is more than that of the US, Japan, and Germany combined. It is also 11 times that of India and 80 times that of the Philippines

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