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随便用AI找了一下印度的制造业的职位,2017 和2023 的对比, AI美滋滋的
送交者:  2024年07月11日16:09:24 于 [世界游戏论坛] 发送悄悄话

说, “2017年5700万, 但是2019到2020增加到了6240万 说明了制造业的增加” (我根本就没问2019-2020),那我接着问 2023, AI 很快回答, 2700万, 哈。 我又问, 那一下子从6420万跌到2700万说明什么? AI 傻眼了, 赶紧说, 是不同的数据来源?? 哈哈, 你早干嘛去了?

莫迪2019年竞选时候承诺, 为制造业提供一亿个新的工作, 整个扯淡。 实际上制造业丢了3500万个工作。 


This is the figure from AI: In 2017, the total employment in the manufacturing sector in India was approximately 57 million people. This figure increased to 62.4 million by the year 2019-2020, indicating a positive trend in employment within this sector (PIB) (PIB). In 2023, the estimated employment in the manufacturing sector in India was about 27.3 million workers. This figure shows a significant involvement of the workforce in manufacturing, making up 17% of India's GDP (India Brand Equity Foundation) (PIB). it shows, under Modi, employment in manufacturing in India lost 35.1 million jobs from 2017-2023

Modi in 2019 promised to create 100 million new jobs in manufacturing, again, like in all his promises he made, nothing happened but to the contrary, more than 30 million jobs lost in the sector. the so called largest population of the youth in the word, most of them cannot find jobs, with time, they will get old fast and become a burden of the country instead

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