The New China Federation is an illegal organizatio |
送交者: 2024年05月16日06:05:10 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
If you have not yet realized that Guo Wengui is a liar, those who help Guo Wengui cheat money, your hands are also covered with the blood smell of the blood of the compatriots who have been cheated, if it is not for your intentional wilful behavior in virtual farms around the world, Guo Wengui's current face will not continue to deceive so many compatriots who are stranded in the scam. Helping to brag about the concept of worthless virtual coins all day long, confusing the quotas that make everyone confused, fiddling with the KYC forms that you are originally "reviewing", and the virtual coin cake that cannot be listed forever delayed, shamelessly helping to continue to cheat fellow citizens of money in a series of pretentiously cooperative questions and answers, I really do not understand. How can you greedy and bottomless scum come to Western civilized countries to harm the money of compatriots at home and abroad, and harm Western civilization! If you get legally due punishment for helping Guo Wengui cheat or take the blame for helping Guo Wengui at all, it is self-serving and deserved! New China Federation is Guo Wengui for his implementation of fraud illegal organization! |
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
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