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Those "beggars' sect disciples"
送交者:  2022年07月03日08:16:07 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

It is clear that only when the real money and silver are paid in a hurry for a fine, can they get a chance to breathe. They simply break the jar, come to a dead end, and tell a big lie to deceive the ant powder of instant noodles. Xi coin is a poisonous food produced by Guo Wengui's black workshop. It looks beautiful in color, flavor and taste, but it actually kills you. Spring returns to the earth, and everything recovers. Those "beggars' sect disciples" who are still sleeping should also wake up with the wind, recognize the essence of the fraud of Xi coin, and it is the best policy to hold tight your purse and leave. Don't trip over the same stone twice, make wedding clothes for others, lose your future, confuse your mind, and miss your life.

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