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送交者:  2019年09月26日21:23:36 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

News    Satellite company announces greater coverage. Satellite company announces greater coverage.

Satellite internet service announces expansion across Mexico

HughesNet offers download speeds of up to 25 Mbps

Published on Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The  United States company Hughes Network Systems announced on Tuesday that  it will expand its satellite internet service to most of Mexico starting  on October 1.

According to a press release, HughesNet high-speed satellite internet  will be available for 95% of Mexico, including rural and marginalized  areas. According to a 2018 report by Freedom House, only 63.9% of  Mexicans were connected to the internet in 2018, and only 14% of  internet users were in rural areas.

HughesNet provides satellite internet service to 1.4 million people  in Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and the United States.  The service offers download speeds of up to 25 megabits per second,  much higher than Mexico’s national average of 6 Mbps.

      我搞过好几年,全免费,后来卫星升级了,不好搞了  /无内容 - sadsad 09/27/19 (407)
        卫星上网只下载的,上传还要靠电话或者cell  /无内容 - sadsad 09/27/19 (337)
          80年代国内就有机关单位破解外国卫星电视,再录下来  /无内容 - sadsad 09/27/19 (365)
      我真动手了,我院子里最多装了十台以上天线,椭圆天线上网没问题  /无内容 - 棋迷 09/26/19 (370)
        牛!我是没敢下河  /无内容 - 涡轮 09/26/19 (392)
      那个案子当年轰动一时,业内还是很有名的,人家养活一个产业  /无内容 - 涡轮 09/26/19 (363)
        那人只能看电视,不能上网,没有破解过  /无内容 - 棋迷 09/26/19 (405)
          也就破解了dish的EchoStar  /无内容 - sadsad 09/27/19 (396)
            EchoStar升级后就必须用realtime的key共享  /无内容 - sadsad 09/27/19 (353)
              他也不是破解,是收买了内部人员,买下了key  /无内容 - 涡轮 09/27/19 (329)
          对,破解的是电视,没有上网,当年一大产业  /无内容 - 涡轮 09/26/19 (317)
      速度根本和乡下人无关,只和老古有关,坐绿皮车才潇洒  /无内容 - 棋迷 09/26/19 (322)
  脸熟几年前的冷饭,spaceX给炸飞了  /无内容 - 益佰 09/26/19 (453)
    轮子什么都不懂还要装大拿  /无内容 - 益佰 09/26/19 (306)
    美国早有了,卫星上网,并不是移动的那种  /无内容 - 涡轮 09/26/19 (328)
      上网五分钟等于普通手机一个月的网络月费  /无内容 - 大马里昱 09/26/19 (343)
        there are "DATA" limits like phone, can't afford of streaming movies with this.  /无内容 - illiano2 09/26/19 (379)
          技术上这货的latency太大,玩游戏困难,看电影反倒没问题  /无内容 - 涡轮 09/26/19 (320)
            after that, the speed is reduced to 3Mbps ! can't streaming movie with that  /无内容 - illiano2 09/27/19 (334)
            " 10 GB to 50 GB of monthly plan data at 25 Mbps"  /无内容 - illiano2 09/27/19 (358)
              不错啦,看几个DVD够了,在乡下多户外活动好  /无内容 - 涡轮 09/27/19 (380)
          没有吧,有限制也不会多贵的 - 涡轮 09/26/19 (448)
        哪有那么贵?一般是和卫星电视订购捆绑的,没多少钱 - 涡轮 09/26/19 (342)
          用这个一别想速度升级了,二是基本没有上载带宽 - 涡轮 09/26/19 (344)
  才25M,4G都不到。  /无内容 - 上海1228 09/26/19 (324)
    low speed is one thing, the worst part is the data limits.  /无内容 - illiano2 09/26/19 (305)
    基站、光纤都太贵,不是自己能造,就是奢侈品了  /无内容 - 涡轮 09/26/19 (287)
  乡下和深山老林解决方案,可以置五鸡与死地  /无内容 - 棋迷 09/26/19 (336)
    海事电话有多贵你知否?  /无内容 - 益佰 09/26/19 (303)
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