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送交者:  2018年05月20日21:33:45 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
THE WHITE HOUSE – Office of the Press Secretary FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – May 19, 2018 Joint Statement of the United States and China Regarding Trade Consultations At the direction of President Donald J. Trump and President Xi Jinping, on May 17 and 18, 2018, the United States and China engaged in constructive consultations regarding trade in Washington, D.C. The United States delegation included Secretary of the Treasury Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary of Commerce Wilbur L. Ross, and United States Trade Representative Robert E. Lighthizer. The Chinese delegation was led by State Council Vice Premier Liu He, Special Envoy of President Xi. There was a consensus on taking effective measures to substantially reduce the United States trade deficit in goods with China. To meet the growing consumption needs of the Chinese people and the need for high-quality economic development, China will significantly increase purchases of United States goods and services. This will help support growth and employment in the United States. Both sides agreed on meaningful increases in United States agriculture and energy exports. The United States will send a team to China to work out the details. The delegations also discussed expanding trade in manufactured goods and services. There was consensus on the need to create favorable conditions to increase trade in these areas. Both sides attach paramount importance to intellectual property protections, and agreed to strengthen cooperation. China will advance relevant amendments to its laws and regulations in this area, including the Patent Law. Both sides agreed to encourage two-way investment and to strive to create a fair, level playing field for competition. Both sides agreed to continue to engage at high levels on these issues and to seek to resolve their economic and trade concerns in a proactive manner. ###
  签字的刘有两次留学美国,其中一次哈佛  /无内容 - 三百万千米 05/21/18 (500)
    其实两次都是短期培训进修  /无内容 - eastwest 05/21/18 (400)
      结果带给国家的是。。。  /无内容 - 老弄堂 05/21/18 (435)
  太直白了。就是明明白白的要保住老川的票仓。  /无内容 - eastwest 05/20/18 (427)
    都是聪明人。 大家心知肚明就好。。。  /无内容 - ddl 05/21/18 (379)
  贸易战的实质是国内生产过剩!  /无内容 - 不恭 05/20/18 (491)
    中国特色的社会主义其实是资本主义特色的社会主义  /无内容 - 不恭 05/20/18 (369)
    不要只抱怨。仁兄有什么高招, - Laotu 05/21/18 (602)
      草民应该还是有评价的权利,因为结果是他们承担 - 海东青2 05/21/18 (492)
      结果是意料中的,但是何必要粉饰黑白呢?  /无内容 - sadsad 05/21/18 (452)
        结果怎样还真得看, - Laotu 05/21/18 (738)
          没人否定土鳖政府希望国家强大,不满的是洗脑式的宣传 - sadsad 05/21/18 (476)
            不宣傳行嗎?國內公知,親美派,買辦,漢奸,刁民一大堆,國外西 - 诛文丑 05/21/18 (495)
          正解  /无内容 - ddl 05/21/18 (473)
    大概中国压根就没提什么要求  /无内容 - sadsad 05/20/18 (396)
  我的感觉是双方都在玩缓兵之计 - 大狮 05/20/18 (636)
    这有点玩厚黑的意思了,对方可不是小白 - 海东青2 05/21/18 (452)
  路透:US-China trade war on hold - yudi 05/20/18 (564)
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