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加媒: DNA测试证实SUBWAY的鸡肉一半是假的
送交者:  2017年05月29日11:22:32 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

TV network stands by report on fake chicken at Subway

Subway sues over defamatory claims

THE Canadian national network, whose “Chicken Challenge” story in February claimed certain poultry products served at Subway sandwich shops were less than 50 per cent chicken, stands by its report.

The Canadian Broadcasting Corp said it used a legitimate lab to test the chicken — and gave the sandwich chain “several weeks” to respond before airing the controversial story.

Subway did not return calls for comment during that period, the CBC said in recently filed court papers.

In April, Subway sued the CBC for $282 million ($US210 million) claiming the lab testing “lacked scientific rigour” and that its reporters encouraged man-on-the-street interviews to lie about the product by asking leading questions.

In its answer to the Subway lawsuit, the CBC said the claims it made during a Feb. 24 broadcast were “diligently researched” and reported in a “fair manner.”

The report was picked up by many media outlets in Canada and the US.

The CBC also defended the labs it used at Trent University, saying they are “recognised as an independent, credible, and expert provider of DNA testing services, including on animal products.”

In fact, the labs tested and retested the samples, the CBC said in the court papers filed in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Toronto.

“The tests showed that the oven-roasted product samples averaged 53.6 per cent chicken DNA, and that the strip product samples averaged 42.8 per cent chicken DNA.”

The rest of the product was mostly soy.

“The CBC defendants shared the results of the tests with independent experts, who confirmed they were reasonable or probable,” the broadcaster said in court papers.

“By comparison, samples from …. other fast food restaurants tested came back averaging 84.9 per cent or greater chicken DNA,” the CBC added.

Meanwhile, Subway’s same-store sales in the first four months of 2017 slipped roughly 2 per cent from the same period a year earlier, according to restaurant consultant John Gordon.

That continues a lengthy trend. Gordon told The Post that Subway revenues fell in 2016 and 2015 from the previous year. But the CBC report may not have had an effect on the chain’s sales, he said.

By comparison, McDonald’s in the first quarter reported a 1.7 per cent increase in sales.

Subway declined comment.

CBC is asking the court to dismiss the case, saying there is “no genuine issue to be tried” and the suit “is an abuse of this court’s process.”

  餐馆中30美元以下的牛肉也是合成的多  /无内容 - 古宇庙 05/29/17 (568)
    胡扯  /无内容 - old_taoist 05/29/17 (432)
    我在餐馆打工过 好牛排 新鲜的 5刀上下一磅  /无内容 - landshark 05/29/17 (570)
      那是原料,不是菜  /无内容 - 古宇庙 05/29/17 (449)
        我知道, 我在美国还没吃过合成的牛排,你给个例子  /无内容 - landshark 05/29/17 (442)
          现场烧烤的Teriyaki steak 都是合成牛肉  /无内容 - 古宇庙 05/29/17 (522)
            给个具体例子, 哪个餐馆,什么价位. - landshark 05/31/17 (435)
              10多美元在美国餐馆能吃到真牛排?你骗谁呢?  /无内容 - 古宇庙 05/31/17 (458)
            你不在这个行业就不要瞎扯了,在美国做Teriyaki - old_taoist 05/30/17 (898)
              你在这个行业也不能骗人。我吃进嘴的就是合成牛肉  /无内容 - 古宇庙 05/30/17 (517)
                你吃进嘴里的我不知道,但你不能说“都是”!  /无内容 - old_taoist 05/30/17 (450)
                  我已经加了“30美元以下,现场烧烤”限制词  /无内容 - 古宇庙 05/31/17 (507)
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