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January 05, 2017

US is within days of $20 trillion in national debt

The US is within days of reaching $20 trillion in national debt according to the US debt clock

The state and local debt is a combined $3.1 trillion.
California has $465 billion in debt
NY has $354 billion in debt
Texas $273 billion in debt
Florida $181 billion in debt
Illinois has $155 billion in debt
Pennsylvania has $126 billion in debt
New Jersey $104 billion in debt

U.S. federal debt as percent of GDP by Senate majority party from 1940 to 2009

Federal outlays were projected to rise by 6 percent in 2016 —to $3.9 trillion, or 21.2 percent of GDP. That increase is the result of a nearly 7 percent rise in mandatory spending, a 3 percent increase in discretionary outlays (which stem from annual appropriations), and a 14 percent jump in net interest spending.

CBO anticipates that mandatory outlays will be $168 billion higher in 2016 than they were last year. A significant component of that growth is Social Security outlays, which are expected to increase by about $28 billion (or 3 percent)—a percentage increase that is smaller than last year’s, primarily because beneficiaries did not receive a cost-of-living adjustment in 2016 but did receive one in 2015. Nevertheless, because the program is so large, even that smaller-than-average increase accounts for one-sixth of the growth in mandatory spending projected for 2016. Federal spending for the major health care programs accounts for a much larger fraction—more than 60 percent—of the projected growth in mandatory spending: Outlays for Medicare (net of premiums and other offsetting receipts), Medicaid, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, plus subsidies for health insurance purchased through exchanges and related spending, are expected to be $104 billion (or 11 percent) higher this year than they were in 2015.

In CBO’s baseline projections (which incorporate the assumption that current laws will generally remain the same), growth in spending—particularly for Social Security, health care, and interest payments on federal debt—outpaces growth in revenues over the coming 10 years. The budget deficit increases modestly through 2018 but then starts to rise more sharply, reaching $1.4 trillion in 2026. As a percentage of GDP, the deficit remains at roughly 2.9 percent through 2018, starts to rise, and reaches 4.9 percent by the end of the 10-year projection period. The projected cumulative deficit between 2017 and 2026 is $9.4 trillion.

President Trump and the Republican congress are expected to lower taxes and increase stimulus programs.

  大砲一響,黃金萬兩  /无内容 - 也是明眼人 01/06/17 (586)
    朝鲜和越南战争,没有黄金万两,进美国国库。 - 黑木崖 01/06/17 (667)
      黄金都进了军火商和banker的口袋  /无内容 - heweitao 01/06/17 (539)
      川總上台猜會不一樣,不會去打無利可圖的戰爭,特別意識形態戰爭  /无内容 - 也是明眼人 01/06/17 (524)
        好像川普要大力发展军事,仍是肥一些人,不能解决经济问题。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/06/17 (581)
          这两者可以不矛盾: - 独钓江上洲 01/07/17 (558)
            军火工业不能帮美国经济生产厨房炉台,菜刀等民用产品。 - 黑木崖 01/07/17 (578)
              以美国的经济体量和结构,美国并 - 独钓江上洲 01/07/17 (598)
                美国经济脱离生产,所谓高科技和军品不卖许多国家, - 黑木崖 01/07/17 (551)
                  现在不卖,不代表trump不会卖;一旦 - 独钓江上洲 01/07/17 (599)
                    卖不卖,不是川普能决定。 - 黑木崖 01/08/17 (607)
      都进了军火公司的金库。相关行业都赚了不少政府合同  /无内容 - kman 01/06/17 (504)
        国家经济没有进展,美国脱离生产,不是依靠战争能解决的。 - 黑木崖 01/06/17 (664)
          嗯,的确不乐观,族群撕lie的结果会是 - 老哥 01/06/17 (668)
            选举制度的影响下,美国要解决三座大山,真的很难。 - 黑木崖 01/06/17 (645)
  再多投资军费,看看美国经济怎么挽救? - 黑木崖 01/06/17 (639)
    他们要救的是自己的经济,不是美国经济  /无内容 - 古宇庙 01/06/17 (494)
      你介绍一下,增加军费,救哪个自己? - 黑木崖 01/06/17 (534)
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