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送交者:  2016年09月01日18:08:15 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

DEVELOPING | Explosion rocks SpaceX Falcon 9 pad at Cape Canaveral

by Brian Berger — September 1, 2016

An eyewitness sent SpaceNews this photo of smoke billowing over a launch pad at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

An eyewitness sent SpaceNews this photo of smoke billowing over a launch pad at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

WASHINGTON — An explosion sent smoke billowing over a Cape Canaveral launch pad Thursday morning where SpaceX was preparing its Falcon 9 rocket to launch the Amos-6 satellite Sept. 3.

Local authorities said the explosion occurred during a static fire test of the Falcon 9. The test, which entails briefly firing the rocket’s first stage, is a routine  pre-launch procedure for liquid-fueled rockets such as the Falcon 9.

“There is NO threat to general public from catastrophic abort during static test fire at SpaceX launch pad at CCAFS this morning,” Brevard County Emergency Management Office reported at 8:45 a.m. EDT via Twitter.

The first reports of an explosion the Cape arrived via social media around 9:12 a.m. EDT.

- See more at: http://spacenews.com/developing-explosion-rocks-spacex-falcon-9-pad-at-cape-canaveral/#sthash.59ToYT8S.dpuf

      发动机应该还未点火。据说爆炸从上面级的液氧箱开始 - pacificsalmon 09/02/16 (487)
    火箭发动机都是一次性的设计,重复使用有风险  /无内容 - eachus 09/01/16 (395)
    说是新火箭,不是回收的。  /无内容 - LM9 09/01/16 (467)
      对。只回收过第一级火箭,而视频显示这次是上面级爆炸的。  /无内容 - 驭风 09/02/16 (408)
  pictures - 驭风 09/01/16 (1154)
    损失卫星的以色列公司被中国一家企业买了? - pacificsalmon 09/01/16 (723)
      幸好文中说了,买不买还得看此星发射成功与否。  /无内容 - 驭风 09/02/16 (408)
    今天真是中了邪了。土鳖那边长四乙也把高分十号也打飞了。  /无内容 - 驭风 09/01/16 (733)
      这报道有问题。卫星保护罩落湖北,证明落在陕西的肯定不是卫星  /无内容 - 古宇庙 09/02/16 (476)
        老照片吧!?  /无内容 - 老马也糊涂 09/02/16 (405)
          不合你的意就是老照片?  /无内容 - 古宇庙 09/02/16 (367)
      什么情况,有链接吗  /无内容 - 西 09/01/16 (490)
        看到了, 航天还是高风险的工程  /无内容 - 西 09/01/16 (591)
          这个帮长五的团队提了个醒 - highsierra 09/01/16 (669)
          按说土鳖的成功率首屈一指,但概率终会起作用。只可惜那颗星星了  /无内容 - 驭风 09/01/16 (490)
          就看中国的水平发射了,彻底把航天变成低风险!  /无内容 - LM9 09/01/16 (485)
            那个环节更多,因此风险难免也会更大。航天永远是高风险行业。  /无内容 - 驭风 09/01/16 (471)
              航空发动机比火箭发动机安全的多。 - LM9 09/01/16 (504)
                系统可靠性等于所有串联子系统可靠性的乘积。在所有部件可靠性 - 驭风 09/02/16 (650)
  SpaceX is doomed to fail.  /无内容 - kman 09/01/16 (415)
    Space X 引入商业竞争,是好事。中国肯定以后也会跟进的  /无内容 - LM9 09/01/16 (320)
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