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送交者:  2015年05月28日03:16:48 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Pentagon chief urges end to island-building in South China Sea

U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter on Wednesday called for an immediate end to island-building by China and other countries near the South China Sea, urging the participants to stop militarizing the dispute and find a peaceful solution.

Carter said China's island-building efforts were "out of step" with the regional consensus and that U.S. military aircraft and warships would continue to operate in the area as permitted under international law.

"China’s actions are bringing countries in the region together in new ways," he said in a military ceremony in Hawaii. "They're increasing demand for American engagement in the Asia-Pacific. We’re going to meet it."

"We will remain the principal security power in the Asia-Pacific for decades to come," Carter said.

Carter's comments, at Pearl Harbor, came a week after the U.S. Navy sent a P-8 reconnaissance plane carrying Navy and television camera crews to film Chinese island-building activity in the disputed Spratly Islands in the South China Sea.

U.S. officials say China has added some 2,000 acres (800 hectares) to five outposts in the Spratlys, including 1,500 acres since the start of this year.

"We want a peaceful resolution of all disputes, and an immediate and lasting halt to land reclamation by any claimant. We also oppose any further militarization of disputed features," Carter said in his remarks.

"With its actions in the South China Sea, China is out of step with both international norms that underscore the Asia-Pacific's security architecture, and the regional consensus in favor of non-coercive approaches to this and other long-standing disputes," Carter said.

The U.S. aircraft that flew near the Spratlys was repeatedly warned by a Chinese navy radio operator to leave the area.

Video taken by camera crews in the plane showed Chinese dredging ships working to turn reefs into islands and harbors. Its release aggravated Beijing, which claims sovereignty over the Spratlys.

The islands also are claimed by several other countries in the region, including Vietnam, the Philippines and Malaysia.

Carter is on the first leg of a trip that will take him to Singapore for the annual Shangri La Dialogue security conference and then on to Vietnam and India, where he will discuss on maritime security issues and boosting security ties.

His comments came at a change-of-command ceremony for the U.S. military's Pacific Command, which is responsible for U.S. forces in the Asia-Pacific region.

(Reporting by David Alexander; Editing by Sandra Maler, Mohammad Zargham and Steve Orlofsky)

  不知道自己姓什么  /无内容 - 难得明白 05/28/15 (439)
  shut up and go away!!  /无内容 - 过眼烟云 05/28/15 (445)
    腐儒温馨建议:使用克婆子最推崇的新名词“巧实力”  /无内容 - 老朽 05/28/15 (414)
    现在美国和日本,行动不敢过火,嘴巴却非常恶毒, - 月落猪蹄 05/28/15 (529)
      不被骂“霸权”就不算一个大国。  /无内容 - 月落猪蹄 05/28/15 (383)
  拿5月13号的旧报纸来骗愤青,呵呵  /无内容 - unix 05/28/15 (546)
  你喊你的我建我的。  /无内容 - e-mail 05/28/15 (563)
    军队直接出面骂阵,非常过分!  /无内容 - 老朽 05/28/15 (423)
      估计米国网民早在痛骂五角大楼是外卖部援交部,卡同鞋受够了  /无内容 - helmsman 05/28/15 (420)
          过去几年好几个米军将军因骂奥及其鸡犬而被双规,您老就别瞎起哄  /无内容 - helmsman 05/28/15 (452)
      九段线内包括大量国际海域:西沙南沙之间,西沙海南岛之间海域等  /无内容 - 老朽 05/28/15 (397)
    如果五角大楼实在舍不得南海霸权,战争就不可避免 - 大漠狼烟 05/28/15 (619)
        那是三百万平方公里南海的控制权。可不是几个小岛的问题。 - 大漠狼烟 05/28/15 (509)
          和平时期争的是200里经济海域,制海权在战争时期才管用。  /无内容 - 老朽 05/28/15 (438)
  卡同鞋远没有几年前的盖子同鞋蛋定  /无内容 - helmsman 05/28/15 (545)
  终于从帘后跳到了前台,看看如何收场。  /无内容 - dds 05/28/15 (592)
    说的只管说,建的加紧建  /无内容 - m1a3 05/28/15 (451)
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