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送交者:  2014年02月27日12:57:04 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Armed Men Seize Crimea Parliament, Raising Tensions in Ukraine

Topic: Turbulence in Ukraine

Disorders near the Crimean parliament building in Simferopol
12:28 27/02/2014

SIMFEROPOL, February 27 (RIA Novosti) – Unidentified armed men apparently seeking closer ties with Russia on Thursday seized the parliament in the Crimean Peninsula in southern Ukraine.

The occupation comes a day after crowds of Crimean Tatars scuffled outside the building with pro-Russians, who have said they reject the rule of the leadership that has taken over the country since President Viktor Yanukovych was ousted over the weekend. The local Muslim Tartar population largely supports the incoming government in Kiev.

“We came to work but we can’t get inside the parliament. The building is surrounded by police … we were told that the building has been seized,” a spokesperson for the parliament said.

A Russian flag was reportedly hoisted by pro-Russian self-defense squads that stormed the building in the regional capital, Simferopol. The squads have been forming in predominantly ethnic Russian Crimea since Yanukovych was toppled.

Crimean Prime Minister Anatoly Mogilev said he has conducted negotiations with the men inside the parliament, but said he was told the group does not have the authority to put forward demands, according to a statement on the Crimean government website.

The offices of Crimea’s Cabinet were also reportedly been seized overnight.

Footage from parliament showed Thursday that small barricades had been erected overnight outside the building.

Ukraine’s acting Interior Minister confirmed the seizure by men with automatic weapons and machine guns in a Facebook post Thursday.

“The alarm has been raised among Interior Ministry troops and the police,” he said. “Measures have been taken to… prevent the situation developing into an armed confrontation in the center of the city.”

Crimea is an autonomous republic within the Ukraine and has its own prime minister, who is appointed in agreement with central government in Kiev.

Some local pro-Russian groups, fearful of the nationalist rhetoric emanating from Kiev in recent days, have called for Crimea to secede from Ukraine and asked for Russia to intervene. Pro-Russian demonstrations, where protesters wave Russian flags, have been held in several regional cities since the weekend.

Crimea was part of Russia until 1954, when it was transferred to the Ukrainian republic within the Soviet Union. Russia has a large naval base on the peninsula on which it recently extended a lease until 2042.

  目光要远,不能支持这个。乌必须统一必须中立。  /无内容 - 尚同 02/27/14 (451)
    克里米亚本来就是俄罗斯的,1954年划分给乌克兰。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 02/27/14 (501)
      没有什么本来,分出来了就分出来了。 - 尚同 02/27/14 (533)
        分出来了就分出来了?我这么听起来不顺耳 - eachus 02/27/14 (604)
          琉球从来不是中国的,但也不应该是日本的,喀尔喀蒙古给我也不要  /无内容 - yehe 02/28/14 (438)
          纯扯淡!这哪跟哪?网坛上怎么都是这等东西?  /无内容 - 尚同 02/27/14 (432)
            你算什么东西,挿嘴决定俄罗斯的领土主权话题?  /无内容 - 黑木崖 02/28/14 (476)
              如果你是俄国人,我算你是个东西,如果是中国人,那就。。。  /无内容 - 尚同 02/28/14 (479)
                你的看法不算东西,不算东西的,有何资格谈俄国?  /无内容 - 黑木崖 02/28/14 (439)
        分出来没有什么?那么,中国为何要收回香港和澳门?  /无内容 - 黑木崖 02/27/14 (478)
          你们在说什么?难道要我说你们幼稚? - 尚同 02/27/14 (500)
            分出不能收回吗?克的事情不是20年前,是1954年。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 02/28/14 (441)
      俄罗斯收克里米亚没问题。东乌其他地区不好说  /无内容 - bookmarks 02/27/14 (482)
        普梅何时说过收全部东乌?  /无内容 - 黑木崖 02/27/14 (432)
          那里说到普梅  /无内容 - bookmarks 02/27/14 (440)
            那么,那个俄罗斯官方人员,说过要收东乌?  /无内容 - 黑木崖 02/27/14 (434)
              我只说不好说。你就要收东乌了  /无内容 - bookmarks 02/27/14 (472)
                俄官方没说收东乌,你的“不好说”代表谁?  /无内容 - 黑木崖 02/27/14 (434)
                  今天什么日子,怎么搞笑  /无内容 - bookmarks 02/28/14 (448)
                    今天是教育不懂俄罗斯可收回部份领土的扫盲日,笑不懂的人。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 02/28/14 (463)
  好戏开场了。  /无内容 - 难得明白 02/27/14 (418)
    玩阴的?普大帝笑了,看谁最内行  /无内容 - eachus 02/27/14 (416)
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