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送交者:  2011年09月23日19:36:36 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

In the shareholders' agreement of my company (c corp, we don't have bylaws), there is a clause,

"All decisions regarding management of the corporation will be made by a vote of 70% of shares held by shareholders".

There are two differnet interpretation of this sentence,

A). Some people understand it as there has to be 70% of total shares vote in favor a decision in order to pass a decision.

B). Some other people interpret it as at least 70% of shares have to come to a meeting to vote and majority among these shares will win. For example, if 69% of shares vote, it won't be valid. if 70% shares vote, more than half of it, 36% of shares can decide.

In short, the original sentence is,

"Decision be made by a vote of 70% of shares."

it is equivalent to,

"70% of shares vote to make decision".

I can gather 61% of vote. I hope the cluase to be interpreted as option B).


  B虽然是对的,但公司章程写得不清。 - 电子邮箱 09/24/11 (435)
    查查自己公司以前是按A还是B认定。  /无内容 - 电子邮箱 09/24/11 (439)
      正确的写法应该是: - 电子邮箱 09/24/11 (529)
        Thank you so much!  /无内容 - ddl 09/24/11 (456)
          事情过去后赶紧把公司章程重新修订一遍。 - 电子邮箱 09/24/11 (433)
            再次感谢! 公司总共有1000股,俺占610股。每股均有投票  /无内容 - ddl 09/24/11 (401)
  B正确!  /无内容 - 老哥 09/24/11 (358)
    感谢!  /无内容 - ddl 09/24/11 (378)
  B。如果A的话是写成 - eastwest 09/24/11 (398)
  B。如果A的话是写成 - eastwest 09/24/11 (435)
    "made by 70% of share..."  /无内容 - eastwest 09/24/11 (405)
      有没有a vote二字实在太重要了,它关乎俺在公司投资的生死  /无内容 - ddl 09/24/11 (375)
  B - pond 09/23/11 (433)
  没有写清楚。这类文件应该没有歧义。  /无内容 - 无能 09/23/11 (378)
    这是一个律师写的。但是俺的律师认定是B - ddl 09/23/11 (426)
  可以这样证明B是本意 - 有哭有笑 09/23/11 (477)
      如是这样,教科书上可能会有。  /无内容 - 水蛮子 09/23/11 (390)
  B,我坚定认为是B。  /无内容 - 小鱼锅贴 09/23/11 (373)
    谢了, 老大!  /无内容 - ddl 09/23/11 (385)
      这是一个固定习惯用法,不仅理论上,实践上也是。 - 小鱼锅贴 09/23/11 (524)
        请给提供个reference,连接或关键字,谢了!  /无内容 - ddl 09/23/11 (386)
          expected quorum votes  /无内容 - 小鱼锅贴 09/23/11 (511)
            老大字字是金, 小弟在此磕谢了!  /无内容 - ddl 09/24/11 (400)
        再次感谢!  /无内容 - ddl 09/23/11 (401)
  if 3 people have 70% of the - hutu 09/23/11 (410)
    问题是我只能搞到61%的票,取B我就会赢,A不行  /无内容 - ddl 09/23/11 (330)
  我也倾向A。干嘛不找个律师咨询一下? - helmsman 09/23/11 (385)
    我也倾向A。  /无内容 - underthecover 09/23/11 (389)
    就连律师都各执一词  /无内容 - ddl 09/23/11 (395)
      要找母语是英文的老美律师才能悟出语法的细微差别  /无内容 - helmsman 09/23/11 (356)
      差别就在vote还是vote的结果,没写清楚。  /无内容 - macrowave 09/23/11 (389)
        俺坚持 B 是因为 。。。 - ddl 09/23/11 (449)
          then 35% can decide.no possibl  /无内容 - e-mail 09/23/11 (376)
            不是这么理解的。因为70%的样本能够说明其余30%的样本。 - 小鱼锅贴 09/23/11 (382)
          投票有时要求的不仅仅是过半多数,有时也会有2/3多数要求 - macrowave 09/23/11 (435)
            我和我的律师争取B,这样我们可用61%的票来赢  /无内容 - ddl 09/23/11 (377)
              Good luck!  /无内容 - macrowave 09/23/11 (375)
  俺倾向于 B - ddl 09/23/11 (406)
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