福岛核事故的最初24小时(本来应该可以保持循环冷却水不中断的) |
送交者: 2011年04月01日13:06:19 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
3月11日15点41分:海啸来临漫过了堤坝淹了发电机房(发电机房在低处)。发电机损坏。电池继续提供电力。电池设计得最多能提供8小时的电力 [1,2,3]。 如果是你我,要做的肯定是:(1)紧急空运发电机。(2)紧急空运充好电的蓄电池,这样万一发电机无法联接或出故障,可以换电池应急。(3)紧急空运充电器,这样万一发电机无法联机,还可以给蓄电池充电。(2)组织人力连接好电缆。等发电机一到立即联机。一定要确保冷却循环水不中断。 可是日本人不这么做。他们调发电车开去。直到8小时过后(蓄电池的电已经用干),12日0点,发电车才到。发现:发电车无法联接。紧急空运电缆,电池等 [4]。据说无法联接的原因是:设计的是通过地下室的电力切换设备(electric switching equipment) 联接,可是地下室进了水 [5]。 12日2点,继续连接电缆。1号反应堆压力升至600kPa(设计值400kPa)[6]。 4点,继续联接电缆。1号反应堆升压至840kPa [7]。 9点,继续联接电缆。放蒸汽减压,放射性升高 [8]。 最后一次通报15点04分,还在“联接电缆”。15点29分:电站边界的放射性已超过500 microSv/h。不久,一号反应堆爆炸了 [9]。 [1]. A battery, which can last about eight hours, is being used to cool the reactor for now, the agency officials said. Another six batteries have been secured, and the government may use military helicopters to fly them in, they said. [2]. According to Tokyo Electric Power Company, the plant switched to an emergency cooling system that operates on batteries, but these were soon depleted. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/14/world/asia/japan-fukushima-nuclear-reactor.html?pagewanted=2&_r=1 [3]. However, batteries are designed to last only four to eight hours in most cases, just long enough to allow technicians to restore grid or generator power. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/14/world/asia/14industry.html [4]. 福島第一発電所注水機能回復のための電源確保の状況 電源車3~4台が敷地内で待機中。ケーブルを一部確保し、さらに必要数関東地方から空輸準備中。バッテリーを広野火力からの空輸準備中(12日0:00現在) http://www.meti.go.jp/press/20110312001/20110312001.pdf [5]. Fukushima was designed by General Electric, as Oyster Creek was around the same time, and the two plants are similar. The problem, he said, was that the hookup is done through electric switching equipment that is in a basement room flooded by the tsunami, he said. “Even though you have generators on site, you have to get the water out of the basement,” he said. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/14/world/asia/japan-fukushima-nuclear-reactor.html?pagewanted=2&_r=1 [6]. 福島第一発電所注水機能回復のための電源確保の状況 電源車3~4台が敷地内で待機中。ケーブルを一部確保し、つなぎ込みの作業を準備中。津波の状況を見ながら作業予定。 (12日2:00現在) ・1号機の格納容器内圧が上昇しており、設計値400kPaのところ、600kPa程度まで上昇している可能性がある。 http://www.meti.go.jp/press/20110312002/20110312002.pdf [7]. Cable from electric power source cars are under connecting work(as of 04:00, March 12) Pressure in the Containment vessel has arisen. The pressure could have arisen to 840kPa as compared to the design pressure of 400kPa. http://www.nisa.meti.go.jp/english/files/en20110312-1.pdf [8]. Cable from electric power generating cars are under connecting work(as of 04:00, March 12) Pressure in the containment vessel has arisen. Steam release is undertaking in order to relieve pressure. It was confirmed that radioactivity was increased compared to the one at 04:00, March 12. http://www.nisa.meti.go.jp/english/files/en20110312-3.pdf [9]. -Cable from electric power generating cars are under connecting work(as of 15:04, March 12) -Pressure in the containment vessel has arisen. Steam release is undertaking in order to relieve pressure.(as of 14:40, March 12) -A radiation level exceeding 500 microSv/h was monitored at the site boundary(15:29, March 12). A large motion occurred due to an earthquake with close epicentre and an large sound was issued near Unit1 and smoke was observed. http://www.nisa.meti.go.jp/english/files/en20110313-1.pdf
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