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送交者:  2011年03月17日18:10:25 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

3/16/2011 - Members from the 320th Special Tactics Squadron download and upload new gear at Sendai Airport March 16. The crew brought water, food, fuel and other general supplies to the members of the 353rd Special Operations Group at Sendai for search and rescue missions. The 353rd Special Operations Group is establishing a usable runway at Sendai Airport to help with Japan's earthquake and tsunami relief. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Jonathan Steffen)

3/16/2011 - Maj. Kerry Redman, 17th Special Operations Squadron, flies toward Sendai Airport to drop off supplies March 16. The crew brought water, food, fuel and other general supplies to the members of the 353rd Special Operations Group at Sendai for search and rescue missions. The 353rd Special Operations Group is establishing a usable runway at Sendai Airport to help with Japan's earthquake and tsunami relief. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Jonathan Steffen)

3/16/2011 - Staff Sgt. Curtis Hornbeak, 17th Special Operations Squadron, reviews a flight operations guide prior to departing for Sendai Airport March 16. The crew brought water, food, fuel and other general supplies to the members of the 353rd Special Operations Group at Sendai for search and rescue missions. The 353rd Special Operations Group is establishing a usable runway at Sendai Airport to help with Japan's earthquake and tsunami relief. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Jonathan Steffen)

3/16/2011 - Senior Airman Ramon Mortensen, 17th Special Operations Squadron, backs up a pallet of fuel at Sendai Airport March 16. The crew brought water, food, fuel and other general supplies to the members of the 353rd Special Operations Group at Sendai for search and rescue missions. The 353rd Special Operations Group is establishing a usable runway at Sendai Airport to help with Japan's earthquake and tsunami relief. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Jonathan Steffen)

3/16/2011 - Senior Airman Ramon Mortensen, 17th Special Operations Squadron, communicates with pilot about start up procedures before heading out to Sendai Airport March 16. The crew brought water, food, fuel and other general supplies to the members of the 353rd Special Operations Group at Sendai for search and rescue missions. The 353rd Special Operations Group is establishing a usable runway at Sendai Airport to help with Japan's earthquake and tsunami relief. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Jonathan Steffen)

An MC-130H Combat Talon II lands March 16, 2011, at Sendai Airport, Japan. This is the first fixed-wing aircraft to land at the airport since an earthquake and tsunami crippled much of the Japanese eastern seaboard March 11. A team of combat controllers from the 320th Special Tactics Squadron, out of Kadena Air Base, Japan, along with Japanese emergency management organizations, cleared a section of the runway and re-established the control tower to direct flights in and out of the airfield. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Samuel Morse)

SENDAI AIRPORT, Japan -- Combat controllers from the 320th Special Tactics Squadron set up flightline markers to inform pilots of the useable space on the runway here March 16. Members of the 320th STS, stationed out of Kadena Air Base, deployed to Sendai Airport to help clear the runway and make it ready for fixed-wing aircraft traffic. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Samuel Morse)

SENDAI AIRPORT, Japan -- Staff Sgt. Chris Allen, 320th Special Tactics Squadron special operations weather team, checks the windspeed and temperature here March 16. Sudden snow and low visibility threatened to prevent aircraft from landing at the airfield. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Samuel Morse)

SENDAI AIRPORT, Japan -- Airmen unload supplies and a forklift from a MC-130H Combat Talon II here March 16. This is the first fixed-wing aircraft to land at the airport since an earthquake and tsunami crippled much of the Japanese eastern seaboard March 11. The opening of this runway to fixed-wing aircraft by combat controllers of the 320th Special Tactics Squadron and Japanese emergency management organizations provides a critical means of transporting fuel, equipment, food and other supplies to areas affected by the earthquake and tsunami. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Samuel Morse)

YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan -- Tech. Sgt. Ray Decker, 320th Special Tactics Squadron, prepares his rucksack prior to boarding an MC-130P Combat Shadow here March 16. Members of the 320th STS, stationed out of Kadena Air Base, Japan, deployed to Sendai Airport to help clear the runway and make it ready for fixed-wing aircraft traffic. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Samuel Morse)

SENDAI AIRPORT, Japan -- A combat controller with the 320th Special Tactics Squadron marshals an MC-130H Combat Talon II after a successful landing here March 16. Members of the 320th STS, stationed out of Kadena Air Base, deployed to Sendai Airport to help clear the runway and make it ready for fixed-wing aircraft traffic. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Samuel Morse)

SENDAI AIRPORT, Japan -- A combat controller with the 320th Special Tactics Squadron marshals an MC-130H Combat Talon II after a successful landing here March 16. Members of the 320th STS, stationed out of Kadena Air Base, deployed to Sendai Airport to help clear the runway and make it ready for fixed-wing aircraft traffic. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Samuel Morse)
  希望不久以后中国也能有这样的实力。  /无内容 - 难得明白 03/18/11 (396)
  希望不久以后中国也能有这样的实力。  /无内容 - 难得明白 03/18/11 (386)
  不知道地面上是否要先开通一个近台,一个远台  /无内容 - 生人 03/17/11 (459)
    可以利用当地设备,最多先安排一个近台。  /无内容 - hmy 03/17/11 (450)
      唐山机场当时是用地面目视观察,地面电台语音指挥降落  /无内容 - 生人 03/17/11 (448)
        是,三人轮流指挥,创造一次奇迹。  /无内容 - hmy 03/17/11 (472)
  瓶装水放在机器上,违反常规。  /无内容 - hmy 03/17/11 (534)
    BTW,大亚湾的防波堤高11米  /无内容 - 无为 03/17/11 (542)
          所以美帝以咚途仍镔Y名義派軍機到成都  /无内容 - heweitao 03/17/11 (476)
          某字头的企业,绵阳那里还真不好说。  /无内容 - hmy 03/17/11 (457)
            风洞群也受影响.掏空了山,结果山移了.  /无内容 - 生人 03/17/11 (494)
              地震后,风洞抢修,最快的6月10号前,恢复工作。  /无内容 - hmy 03/17/11 (509)
            有损失,绝密。  /无内容 - 无为 03/17/11 (470)
              宜宾某字头的某品部门,职工收入不错。  /无内容 - hmy 03/17/11 (471)
                汶川附近某地一切外国救援队禁止入内,2009年10月我离那里 - 无为 03/17/11 (681)
      周末钓鱼的最好去处。保证满载而归滴。  /无内容 - 老朽 03/17/11 (518)
        如果AV國的核電站也搞到大災難,大亞灣也令人擔心 - heweitao 03/17/11 (476)
          建议在开放日,去大亚湾参观一哈便知。  /无内容 - 老朽 03/17/11 (461)
          大亚湾的技术比福岛高的不止一级。  /无内容 - 无为 03/17/11 (491)
            有誰估計到褔島汶川都是豆腐渣? - heweitao 03/17/11 (492)
              比较一下汶川和这次日本地震,正常人就应该明白日本人做事远不如 - 无为 03/17/11 (659)
                至少AV國的建築過得了地震,海嘯就任何國家都沒法子了 - heweitao 03/17/11 (517)
                  AV國地震发生在离岸200千米的海里.  /无内容 - foc 03/17/11 (496)
                  2006年日本95栋刚建成的高层建筑被查出来建筑商偷工减料。 - 无为 03/17/11 (498)
                    不明白你想說什麼.中國各地區不管有沒有受地震照顧,施工標準都 - cph 03/17/11 (486)
                      算了吧,汶川震,成都至少没天花砸死人,这次东京可是死了人的。 - 无为 03/17/11 (550)
    打脸帖。:-)  /无内容 - 老朽 03/17/11 (448)
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