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I disagree.
送交者: rca 2017月06月21日03:01:10 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 產生一个充满活力的市场经济---不对,中国是国营经济占主导。 黑木崖 于 2017-06-21 01:51:57

The factor differentiates a market economy from that of a planned economy is not on ownership but on the level and extent government meddling into the national economy. In market economy, government manipulates national economy mostly in macro level whereas that of planned ecoonomy will permeate down to micro level. Line is rather blurry nowadays, particularly in comparison between that of China and that of those traditional market economies. Even in a market economy like that of USA, government agencies do sometimes extend their hands into micro level of private companies. It is only matter degree and extent, a quantitative rather than qualitative differences.

  CCP执政的前提下,中国国有企业就是占主导地位。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 06/21/17 (414)
    but, so long as - rca 06/21/17 (506)
        版主应该查一查“混合所有制改革”  /无内容 - 无为 06/22/17 (467)
          哪个白痴说私企党组成员不参与公司业务等方面运作: - 黑木崖 06/22/17 (502)
            介入  /无内容 - 无为 06/22/17 (441)
              同一天已经被删帖三次的ID,再乱跟,会封ID一周。id封三次 - 黑木崖 06/22/17 (406)
                版主要真有信心就恢复我被删的贴,让大家看看 - 无为 06/22/17 (503)
                  死皮赖脸就只有封IP了。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 06/22/17 (407)
          白痴都知道的信息:297.3万非公有企业,157.9万建党组 - 黑木崖 06/22/17 (452)
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