I suggest you to take trip |
送交者: rca 2016月12月11日09:44:30 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 当总理是希耍了个阴谋诡计骗了兴登堡,并非完全国会占多数 由 太阳黑子 于 2016-12-11 05:30:12 |
to the library to check on the historical fact first. By the time, Hitler became the chancellor, Nazi party was already the biggest political party in Germany although still not having parliamentary majority all by itself. Everyone could see the rising popularity of Hitler and his Nazi party and no one doubted it would soon gain majority strength. After several rounds of contest in strength and trickeries, Hindenburg had no choice but to appoint Hitler the Chancellor in 1933. |
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