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If you have study economics
送交者: rca 2016月12月06日23:18:20 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Justice has a role in economy kabir 于 2016-12-06 22:50:46

you would not be so sure about the meaning of the word justice. Case in point, whereas a tenant can tell you 100 valid economic reason for not raising the rent, the property owner can also give 100 sensible reason to raise the rent. Like it or not, economic justifications have much to do with belief than with hard and undisputable facts. Remember, economics is a social science and a soft science, not hard science like physics or Chemistry. If you treat it like hard deterministic science like physics, you will have problem of Marx in your hand. 

  Let's keep it simple - kabir 12/06/16 (548)
    correct me if you think that - rca 12/07/16 (489)
      No, it isn't about fairness. - kabir 12/07/16 (520)
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