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I am never a big fan
送交者: rca 2016月09月13日23:32:10 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 大家对毛争论不少,不怕不识货就怕货比货;对比一下毛泽东和华盛顿 独钓江上洲 于 2016-09-13 05:37:24

of Mao. I consider him an able but ruthless leader. In history, there are two types of political leaders, those who make history and those were made by history. Mao is one of those rare breeds who, in spite of trememdous adversities, made history in accordance to his inner vision. For that I admire him for his capability and vision. However, I also recognize that he is a man of greatness with tragic flaws, a cold-blooded politician capable of committing heinous crimes without remorse. Personally, I consider Deng, another one of those who made history, a greater man, of course, not without flaws.   

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