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送交者: 围棋 2016月07月25日09:08:47 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 民主党首舒尔茨辞职,毛子厉害啊 围棋 于 2016-07-25 02:29:54

维基解密曝光邮件:民主党暗中挺希拉里黑桑德斯A- A+

时间:2016-07-25 所在专题 来源:21世纪经济报道 评论

【摘 要:随着维基解密公开希拉里邮件内容,一个更真实的希拉里形象展示在了人们的面前。美国民主党全国委员会(DNC)在希拉里与桑德斯的民主党内竞争中早已 提早押宝希拉里,并且设计了一整套从桑德斯宗教开始的攻击他私人生活的下流计划,此外DNC甚至私下向华盛顿邮报爆料,提前泄露桑德斯的不利信息给媒 体。】












FireShot Capture 059 - DNC treatment of Sanders at issue in _ - http___www.cnn.com_2016_07_22_poli.jpg










传播主管Luis Miranda (10770封邮件);

全国财务主管 Jordon Kaplan (3797封);

财务部门幕僚长Scott Comer (3095封);

财务部门数据和战略主管Daniel Parrish (1472封);

财务事务主管 Allen Zachary (1611封);

高级顾问 Andrew Wright (938封);

北加利福尼亚财务主管Robert Stowe (751封)。







来源:知乎 作者:zzhan zz


正在看,天啦噜,crooked hillary真非浪得虚名!这还只是第一批两万email。

Email #1)伪造很多Trump纽约总公司的招女工广告,广告要写的很性别歧视(只招漂亮的 etc。),给人造成Trump不尊重女性的印象


Email #2)对Trump攻击点统一口径提炼出万能红宝书,写攻击文章的时候一套就行

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email 标题:Dangerous Donald Trump Narrative...《营造Trump的“危险”形象》

For your framing purposes, here's our narrative guide for how to talk about Trump:









Trump支持KK leader David Duke







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From: "John Ost, Political" > Date: May 5, 2016 at 10:45:25 AM EDT To: Amy Dacey > Subject: Trump At request of DNC, RW is doing some press today re: Trump.

We've been working with TJ. Question: who can we connect with to get more background/research re: Trump? We want to shift gears and spend more time educating our members

Hope all is well.

Email #3)雇佣水军不断的把黑Trump的言论刷到Twitter/FB前端。列举的有

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email标题:Today on the Internet: 5.11(5/11日的网络头条)

Today on the Internet The Digital team is continuing the push to show people how dangerous Trump is. Help make sure his divisive comments stay at the forefront of the conversation.


@TheDemocrats: Turns out "the best" people aren't lining up to work for GOP nominee Donald Trump:


Jon Stewart: Former Talk Show Host Calls Donald Trump a 'Man Baby

Email #4)最最好玩的!民主党主席Debbie Wasserman Schultz求募捐,被一位曾经的金主骂的狗血喷头

Debbie Wasserman Schultz 的邮件:


From: Debbie Wasserman Schultz [mailto:democraticparty@democrats.org] Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 2:36 PM To: Julie Scardiglia Subject: Join me in Knoxville June 3rd! [Image removed by sender. Democrats] Friend-- As of this week, Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee. The contrast between his values and the values our Democratic candidates defend every day could not be more stark. As Democrats, we have a lot on the line. It is crucial that we push back on the backwards GOP rhetoric and make our voices heard this election cycle. Please join me for a re


Debbie Wasserman Schultz,你他妈的和$hillary Clinton一样腐败(这个$ dollar sign真是用的画龙点睛23333)。32年了,我终于离开民主党了!原因就是你,你的民主党和希拉里。我和几百万人都不会给希婊投票的,等着被震惊 吧!草泥马!

From: Julie Scardiglia [mailto:jscardiglia@earthlink.net] Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 2:45 PM To: Seminerio, Nick Subject: RE: Join me in Knoxville June 3rd! DWS, you’re almost as corrupt as $hillary Clinton. I’ve already left the Democratic party—after 32 years. Lots of us have. And you and your direction for the Democratic party are a large reason why. HRC is the other reason. It’s coming—the shock you will feel when MILLIONS of us won’t vote for Shillary--PERIOD. Fuck you.

PS 顺便 给好奇宝宝。和总统吃晚饭的平均价码。吃饭贵,光入场的话只要50,100.



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> From: Elspeth Farmer [mailto:elspeth.farmer@gmail.com] > Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 11:04 AM > To: Stowe, Erik > Subject: Credit for HVF > > >

Hi Erik,

Liz wrote a $200,000K check to HVF for her and Caitlin to go to a private dinner that I arranged for her to attend with Hillary at the home of Eileen Donahoe. It is this Wednesday, May 25th. Can you please be sure that I get the credit!! I am the person who invited her and collected the check:)! > > Thanks, > > Elspeth

Email #5)又是捐款相关:lying Ted穷疯了和DNC共享金主。lying ted的助理很亲热的单独发了封“Trump粉丝威胁我好怕怕求捐款”的邮件给金主要钱,没想到金主衷心爱(民主)党立马转发邮件给DNC通风报信,作为 Trump罪证“看Trump又不干好事了”

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From: "ken.c@tedcruz.org" > Date: April 25, 2016 at 8:22:11 PM EDT To: Eric Bennett > Subject: FW: SERIOUS Death threats Reply-To: ken.c@tedcruz.org

Politico is reporting that one delegate was warned to 'hide his family and pray he makes it to Cleveland.' Eric, Ted sent you an email this morning about the danger GOP delegates are facing from Trump supporters, and now I'm emailing you because it's way worse than we thought. Politico is reporting that one delegate was warned to 'hide his family and pray he makes it to Cleveland.' There are hundreds of other delegates receiving similar threats... I wish I could go into more detail, but to do so would further endanger these delegates -- and frankly there's not time. Rest assured -- law enforcement is being notified, but that is not enough...so, will you please read Ted's original email below, and make an IMMEDIATE contribution to the Delegate Defense Fund?

Email 6)操控媒体:realclearpolitics网站报道Sanders粉丝指责内华达的民主党官员舞弊。DNC立马邮件网站,删除报道中了所有“民主党官员”

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From: Garcia, Walter Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 1:00 PM To: Miranda, Luis Cc: Patrice Taylor; Paustenbach, Mark; Federico, Courtney; Dacey, Amy Subject: RE: Chaos At Nevada Democratic Convention; DNC Leaders Flee Building As Sanders Supporters Demand Recount | Video | RealClearPolitics

Full updated article below. Again, no more references to “DNC Officials.”RealClearPolitics


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From:PaustenbachM@dnc.org To: MirandaL@dnc.org Date: 2016-04-30 22:32 Subject: Fwd: per agreement ... any thoughts appreciated

Vogel gave me his story ahead of time/before it goes to his editors as long as I didn't share it. Let me know if you see anything that's missing and I'll push back.

Email #7)操控媒体:5月9号,一位员工在讨论Trump在VOX上的黑文如何排版时,建议“断章取义”,只在报道首页显示“Trump不是靠自己资金竞选” 的节选,想要继续往下看必须点“阅读全文“。因为文章的正文说的是“Trump不是靠自己资金竞选”这种说法根本站不住脚,“吹毛求疵”2333333

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From: Brinster, Jeremy Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 6:08 PM To: Paustenbach, Mark; RR2 Subject: RE: For RR2: Vox - Donald Trump is now accepting the kind of big-money donations he thinks corrupts politicians

If we don't mind blasting excerpts, I think we should take out the parts I highlighted below, and probably add a topper about how he doesn't self-fund. If we do not want to only blast excerpts, I'm not sure if I'd blast at all, because a big part of our arguments is that Trump *doesn't* self-fund, and parts of this article basically say that argument is nit-picky and not that convincing.

Email #8)DNC组织抗议Trump,叫来了电视台,结果抗议者只来了三个人,惨不忍睹.........主管雷霆大怒,说“下次说好的抗议者放了我们鸽子,让我们的实习生冒充就行了不可以这样闹笑话”

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From: Miranda, Luis Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 9:42 AM To: Helmstetter, TJ; Regional Press Subject: RE: Tv

coverage of protest great Yes, but going forward, when our allies screw up and don't deliver bodies in time, we either send all our interns out there or we stay away from it.. we don't want to own a bad picture:

Email #9)5月9号,民主党的首席秘书暂缓发出了一封攻击Trump的邮件,因为他想先得到希拉里竞选组织的同意。注意此时Sanders还没退选呢,但是DNC已经和希拉里勾结一气了,反过来要听希拉里指挥。

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Let's hold off for a few days on blasting out a ton of stuff until we get with HFA on the tactics they want us to use

Mark Paustenbach

National Press Secretary & Deputy Communications Director

Democratic National Committee

Email #10)5/4日对Trump的竞选会谈纲要:今年的竞争将会非常激烈,佛州北卡很危险。但是Trump想要赢要在2012年的基础上吃下奥巴马的基本盘。要争取共和党人。民主党人切不可沾沾自喜以为赢定了,必须积极参选。

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Email #11)继续佛罗里达州.........摇摆州好重要啊。这是员工们私下作调研发的email,研究新poll。

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email 标题:Trump on to something... New Quinnipiac Battleground Poll //Trump把到脉了,新poll


"Republicans' weakness among minority voters is well known. But the reason this race is so close overall is Clinton's historic weakness among white men. In Florida, she is getting just 25 percent from white men," Brown said.


    国内很多人就喜欢用阴谋论来简化美国的选举,不管 - 独钓江上洲 07/26/16 (505)
      能不能先百度一下什么是选举人票?  /无内容 - 老粗 07/26/16 (387)
      “一人一票”等于“人民当家作主”?让人醉了。 - pacificsalmon 07/26/16 (456)
        我什么时候说一人一票就是人民当家作主或选举一定好?有没有一点 - 独钓江上洲 07/26/16 (485)
          健忘还是言不由衷?  /无内容 - pacificsalmon 07/26/16 (424)
      别的不说,有时间查一查奥巴马上台后的腐败吧 - 无为 07/26/16 (507)
        什么叫社会成本?如果是大家雨露均沾,或所谓的系统性低效, - 独钓江上洲 07/26/16 (483)
          呵呵,去查一查米歇尔访问西班牙的事看看 - 无为 07/26/16 (474)
            提示一下,不是本月这次访问  /无内容 - 无为 07/26/16 (394)
          不知道你看到的前20位经济体怎么排的,如果中国印度都在其中, - pacificsalmon 07/26/16 (410)
          你的帖删了一个: - 黑木崖 07/26/16 (482)
            慢慢习惯ing……不是故意和版主作对。实在是觉得国内的政治 - 独钓江上洲 07/26/16 (495)
              军事帖管理最松,政治帖很严,脏帖必删。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 07/26/16 (430)
    胡扯那去了,必然的建制主流抵制和厌恶民粹 - 围棋 07/25/16 (560)
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