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送交者: acarefreeman 2015月11月25日08:24:44 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 请你说说光为什么弯曲?你的理论根据是什么? acarefreeman 于 2015-11-25 08:04:22



1. Eclipse observations cannot furnish a valid test of the relativity theory, for such observations do not involve a single one of the theory's basic postulates. The sole concept involved in the predicted star displacements is that of a possible "gravitational retardation of light."

2. The eclipse observations, as heretofore carried out by the various expeditions, are inadequate to test even this one question. The gravitational effect, if present, is of the second order as compared to many necessary corrections and disturbing factors.

3. Not a single expedition, so far reporting, has made use of effective checks or controls to eliminate the effects of temperature changes upon its instruments, or to determine the possible effects of the abnormal conditions of the atmosphere during the eclipse.

4. Not a single expedition, so far reporting, has made a systematic study of all the data obtained. In the South American eclipse of 1919 less than 15% of the actual measured data was used in obtaining the announced result; in the Australian eclipse of 1922 only about 50% of the data was used. All non-radial components of the actual
measures were discarded as "accidental errors,"

5. The data, thus selected, was then reduced by methods and formula, "which assume with Einstein" the existence of the predicted radial displacements and of the Einstein law of decrease with distance from the sun. No attempt has yet been made to test the validity of these basic assumptions.

6. There is not the slightest observational evidence to support the Einstein assumptions thus written into the formulas and methods of reduction. On the contrary, the only observational evidence available-the evidence furnished by the independent check fields photographed on the eclipse plates-would seem to show that these assumptions are invalid.

7. The actual stellar displacements, when freed from all assumptions, do not show the slighest resemblance to the predicted Einstein deflections: they do not agree in direction, in size, or in the rate of decrease with distance from the sun.

8. The actual measured displacements, if real, can best be explained by some refractive effect of the earth's atmosphere: by a combination of the Courvoisier effect, of day-light refraction, and of temperature effects caused by the passing of the eclipse shadow.

  拜托,你能否去一个物理学论坛施展你的精力?  /无内容 - 古宇庙 11/25/15 (551)
    很遗憾,这事你管不着。  /无内容 - acarefreeman 11/25/15 (507)
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