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送交者: helmsman 2015月05月20日00:10:12 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 点评日本叫板亚投行的千亿美元基建基金(原创): 驭风 于 2015-05-19 21:45:42

Chris                     4 hours ago

Apparently the Japanese government is ill-minded. It donimates the ADB but it doesn't invest this $100B through ADB because the bank has other players.  It has years to decide to make such a plan but only does this until the AIIB is going to be set up.  Just as reported, it's going to use this plan to counter the Chinese initiatives.  But this poor decision will only yield poor results because the Japanese government is short-sighted. The Chinese has a couple of plans which make up a strategy to develop the entire Asia and benefit itself as well while the Japanese is trying to battle against the so-called Chinese influence campaign by campaign.  It's doomed to fail becaues it really doesn't understand its rival well.


  老美评的准,鬼子没有战略没有棋艺胡乱下子傻折腾  /无内容 - eachus 05/21/15 (406)
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