前一段看的哈佛商业写作的书摘录: |
送交者: 老弄堂 2013月05月19日17:04:59 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 倒也不见得是什么西方真谛。想让人明白,就会想法说的简明 由 阿勒锦 于 2013-05-19 16:57:38 |
Harvard Business School - Better business writing: 1. An intense focus on your reason for writing - and on your reader's needs. 2. A decided preference for the simplest words possible to express an idea accurately. 3. A feel of natural idioms. 4. An aversion to jargon and business-speaking. 5. An appreciation for the right words in the right places. 6. An ear for tone.
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