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See the beauty of the truth
送交者: Snow 2013月03月01日07:28:23 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 阴阳两字都进英语啦,你还不知道?希腊的人早忘了 父皇 于 2013-03-01 07:17:20

Sir, it is truth discovered with pure reasoning, without then help of equipment. See the beauty of the following truth.


1. Nothing can ever be created by divine power out of nothing


2. The second great principle is this: nature resolve everything into its component atoms and never reduce anything to nothing


3. there is vacuity in things


4. Material objects are of two kinds, atoms and compounds of atoms. The atoms themselves cannot be swamped by any force, for they are preserved indefinitely by their absolute solidity.


5. those who have imagined that the raw material of things is fire and the universe consists of fire alone have evidently wandered far from the truth

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