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I don't think this is delibera
送交者: logic. 2012月04月25日19:55:19 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 等于承认这个顺序: 米军>皇军>伪军>庶民 laker_fan 于 2012-04-25 17:01:16

 tely to discriminate Mainland Chinese.  This open exhibition obviously is for the purpose to impress as many Hong Kong people as possible.  There are only a limited number of people that can be accommodated during the exibition time.  In order to maximize the effect of impressing  Hong Kong people, of course you want all the visitors to be just bona fide Hong Kong people.  Mainland Chinese people can visit at other place at other time. 

Frankly, probably only the Hong Kong people need more patriotism education, not Mainland Chinese.  To allow only Hong Kong people to visit is actually an unspoken and tacitly discriminative treatment of the Hong Kong people, because they are actually the ones deemed inherently less patriotic than the Mainland Chinese!

  It's "shock and awe" - heweitao 04/25/12 (519)
  在国内庶民可以凭良民证上舰参观?  /无内容 - laker_fan 04/25/12 (484)
    美英人也不能上舰说明不是歧视内地人。女厕所不是对男人的歧视  /无内容 - shanghai1228 04/25/12 (516)
      够贱  /无内容 - laker_fan 04/25/12 (468)
      相信女厕所绝对不歧视您  /无内容 - 太阳黑子 04/25/12 (537)
    只要保持在土共政权范围之外就会受到土共优待 - 太阳黑子 04/25/12 (505)
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