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Convention (IV)
送交者: scar9999 2011月05月04日14:13:27 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 又胡说八道。日内瓦公约不保护不穿交战国制服的战斗人员 太阳黑子 于 2011-05-04 13:51:47

Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War:

Article 29:  -- "A person can only be considered a spy when, acting clandestinely or on false pretences, he obtains or endeavours to obtain information in the zone of operations of a belligerent with the intention of communicating it to the hostile party.
Thus, soldiers not wearing a disguise who have penetrated into the zone of operations of the hostile army, for the purpose of obtaining information, are not considered spies. Similarly, the following are not considered spies: soldiers and civilians carrying out their mission openly, entrusted with the delivery of despatches intended either for their own army or for the enemy's army. To this class belong likewise persons sent in balloons for the purpose of carrying despatches and, generally, of maintaining communications between the different parts of an army or a territory."

Article 30: -- "A spy taken in the act shall not be punished without previous trial."

Article 31: -- "A spy who, after rejoining the army to which he belongs, is subsequently captured by the enemy is treated as a prisoner of war, and incurs no responsibility for his previous acts of espionage."


  你也真有空。恐怖份子没有一条符合受保护的条款  /无内容 - 太阳黑子 05/04/11 (486)
    this again shows your - rca 05/04/11 (501)
    Forgot what you said? - scar9999 05/04/11 (510)
      carrying out their mission ope  /无内容 - 太阳黑子 05/04/11 (482)
        Please, - scar9999 05/04/11 (480)
      soldiers not wearing a disguis  /无内容 - 太阳黑子 05/04/11 (473)
  I bet he will have - rca 05/04/11 (474)
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